PhD 2023 contracts

IFISC (Institute of Cross-disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) offers several doctoral projects in the predoctoral call FPI:

  • Project PID2021-122256NB-C21: A Physics approach to sociotechnical systems: from theory to data analysis (APASOS). Contact: Raul Toral,
  • Project PID2021-123352OB-C32: Lagrangian transport of Marine litter and microplastics from modeling, Analysis and observations in Coastal waters (LAMARCA). Contact:  Cristobal Lopez,
  • Project PID2021-128158NB-C21: Updating the brain’s memory base. Contact: Claudio Mirasso,

Within the Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence there are 6 FPI contracts:

  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-1: Quantum machine learning, computing and thermodynamics. Contact: Contact: Roberta Zambrini, or Llorenç Serra,
  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-2:Complex networks in socio-biological systems. Contact: Ernesto Estrada,
  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-3: Evolution of biological and social populations. Contact: Tobias Galla,
  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-4: Data science and artificial intelligence for ecological systems. Contact:  Víctor Eguíluz,
  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-5: Complex systems approaches for novel machine learning paradigms. Contact: Lucas Lacasa,
  • CEX2021-001164-M-20-6:Complexity in language evolution: Adaptation, consensus and cultural traits. Contact: David Sánchez,

Deadline for applications: from January 12, 2023 to January 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. (peninsular), both inclusive. Possible applicants are encouraged to contact as soon as possible the responsible researcher of each project for further information.

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