Within the Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu award, IFISC STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES for the period 2018-2022 are the study, exploration, and development of INFORMATION PROCESSING IN AND BY COMPLEX SYSTEMS. These objectives comprise connecting state-of-the-art approaches originating from different fields, developing common frameworks, and synthesizing novel information processing concepts.
Our research priorities encompass four lines:
Focusing on these novel strategic objectives, we will create new synergies within IFISC, increase its coherence and boost cross-fertilization within the institute. If you want to become part of this endeavor, IFISC offers various opportunities to do so.
We encourage candidates who are enthusiastic about one of these research lines and interested in pursuing a Ph.D. at IFISC to submit an application to predocs.mdm@ifisc.uib-csic.es including a CV with their academic records and stating a preference in terms of topics. Candidates are welcome to suggest a potential PhD advisor from IFISC research staff. For more detailed information about specific Ph.D. research programs, you can contact any of the IFISC research staff.
The starting date for the contract can be negotiated but it is foreseen to be before the end of 2018 or early 2019. The contract has a gross salary of 16500 €/year and includes standard benefits of the Spanish Social Security System.