Publication list
Sorted by Date
- A. Labay-Mora, J. García-Beni, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Neural networks with quantum states of light.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 382:20230346, Dic 2024.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino, X. Porte, and M. C. Soriano.
Identifying Ordinal Similarities at Different Temporal Scales.
Entropy, 26:1016, Nov 2024.
Link: [HTML] - A. Palacios, R. Martínez-Peña, M. C. Soriano, G. L. Giorgi, and R. Zambrini.
Role of coherence in many-body Quantum Reservoir Computing.
Communications Physics, 7:369, Nov 2024.
Link: [HTML] - G. Pourcel, M. Goldmann, I. Fischer, and M. C. Soriano.
Adaptive control of recurrent neural networks using conceptors.
Chaos, 10:103127, Oct 2024.
Link: [HTML] - S. Abreu, I. Boikov, M. Goldmann, T. Jonuzi, A. Lupo, S. Masaad, L. Nguyen, E. Picco, G. Pourcel, A. Skalli, L. Talandier, B. Vettelschoss, E.A. Vlieg, A. Argyris, P. Bienstman, D. Brunner, J. Dambre, L. Daudet, J.D. Domenech, I. Fischer, F. Horst, S. Massar, C.R. Mirasso, B.J. Offrein, A. Rossi, M.C. Soriano, S. Sygletos, and S.K. Turitsyn.
A photonics perspective on computing with physical substrates.
Reviews in Physics, 12:100093, Dec 2024.
Link: [HTML] - K. Danovski, M. C. Soriano, and L. Lacasa.
Dynamical stability and chaos in artificial neural network trajectories along training.
Frontiers in Complex Systems, 2:1367957, May 2024.
Link: [HTML] - J. Henaff, M. Ansquer, M. C. Soriano, R. Zambrini, N. Treps and V. Parigi.
Optical phase encoding in a pulsed approach to reservoir computing.
Optics Letters, 49:2097–2100, Apr 2024.
Link: [HTML] - R. Martínez-Peña, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Quantum fidelity kernel with a trapped-ion simulation platform.
Physical Review A, 109:042612, Apr 2024.
Link: [HTML] - A. Sannia, R. Martínez-Peña, M. C. Soriano, G. L. Giorgi, and R. Zambrini.
Dissipation as a resource for Quantum Reservoir Computing.
Quantum, 8:1291, Mar 2024.
Link: [HTML] - J. García-Beni, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Squeezing as a resource for time series processing in quantum reservoir computing.
Optics Express, 32:6733–6747, Feb 2024.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino and M. C. Soriano.
Quantifying the diversity of multiple time series with an ordinal symbolic approach.
Physical Review E, 108:065302, Dec 2023.
Link: [HTML] - M. Goldmann, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and M. C. Soriano.
Exploiting oscillatory dynamics of delay systems for reservoir computing.
Chaos, 33:093139, Sep 2023.
Link: [HTML] - R. Martínez-Peña, J. Nokkala, G. L. Giorgi, R. Zambrini, and M. C. Soriano.
Information Processing Capacity of Spin-Based Quantum Reservoir Computing Systems.
Cognitive Computation, 15:1440–1451, Sep 2023.
Link: [HTML] - S. Scardapane, C. Gallicchio, A. Micheli, and M. C. Soriano.
Guest Editorial: Trends in Reservoir Computing.
Cognitive Computation, 15:1407–1408, Sep 2023.
Link: [HTML] - J. García-Beni, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Scalable photonic platform for real-time quantum reservoir computing.
Physical Review Applied, 20:014051, Jul 2023.
Link: [HTML] - T. Jonuzi, A. Lupo, M. C. Soriano, S. Massar, and J. Domenéch.
Integrated programmable spectral filter for frequency-multiplexed neuromorphic computers.
Optics Express, 31:19255–19265, May 2023.
Link: [HTML] - S. Ortín, M. C. Soriano, C. Tetzlaff, F. Wörgötter, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and A. Argyris.
Implementation of input correlation learning with an optoelectronic dendritic unit.
Frontiers in Physics, 11:1112295, Mar 2023.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, and S. Fan.
Neural network learning with photonics and for photonic circuit design.
Nanophotonics, 12:773–775, Mar 2023.
Link: [HTML] - P. Mujal, R. Martínez-Peña, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Time-series quantum reservoir computing with weak and projective measurements.
npj Quantum Information, 9:16, Feb 2023.
Link: [HTML] - M. Goldmann, C. R. Mirasso, I. Fischer, and M. C. Soriano.
Learn one size to infer all: Exploiting translational symmetries in delay-dynamical and spatiotemporal systems using scalable neural networks.
Physical Review E, 106:044211, Oct 2022.
Link: [HTML] - B. Vettelschoss, A. Röhm and M. C. Soriano.
Information Processing Capacity of a Single-Node Reservoir Computer: An Experimental Evaluation.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33:2714–2725, Jun 2022.
Link: [HTML] - J. Nokkala, R. Martínez-Peña, R. Zambrini, and M. C. Soriano.
High-Performance Reservoir Computing With Fluctuations in Linear Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33:2664–2675, Jun 2022.
Link: [HTML] - S. Ortín, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and A. Argyris.
Optical dendrites for spatio-temporal computing with few-mode fibers.
Optical Materials Express, 12:1907–1919, Apr 2022.
Link: [HTML] - X. Porte, D. Brunner, I. Fischer, and M. C. Soriano.
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Single-Mode Semiconductor Laser with Long Delayed Optical Feedback: A Modern Experimental Characterization Approach.
Photonics, 9:47, Jan 2022.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, L. Larger, and M. C. Soriano.
Nonlinear photonic dynamical systems for unconventional computing.
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, 13:26–35, Jan 2022.
Link: [HTML] - P. Mujal, J. Nokkala, R. Martínez-Peña, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Analytical Evidence of Nonlinearity in Qubits and Continuous-Variable Quantum Reservoir Computing.
Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2:045008, Nov 2021.
Link: [HTML] - R. Martínez-Peña, G. L. Giorgi, J. Nokkala, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Dynamical Phase Transitions in Quantum Reservoir Computing.
Physical Review Letters 127:100502, Aug 2021.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano and L. Zunino.
Time-Delay Identification Using Multiscale Ordinal Quantifiers.
Entropy, 23:969, Jul 2021.
Link: [HTML] - P. Mujal, R. Martínez-Peña, J. Nokkala, J. García-Beni, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Opportunities in Quantum Reservoir Computing and Extreme Learning Machines.
Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2100027, Jun 2021 (arxiv 2102.11831).
Link: [HTML] - G. B. Morales, C. R. Mirasso, and M. C. Soriano.
Unveiling the role of plasticity rules in reservoir computing.
Neurocomputing, 461:705-715, May 2021 (arxiv 2101.05848).
Link: [HTML] - J. Nokkala, R. Martínez-Peña, G. L. Giorgi, V. Parigi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Gaussian states of continuous-variable quantum systems provide universal and versatile reservoir computing.
Communications Physics, 4: 53, Mar 2021.
Link: [HTML] - A. Argyris, J. Cantero, M. Galletero, E. Pereda, C. R. Mirasso, I. Fischer, and M. C. Soriano.
Comparison of photonic reservoir computing systems for fiber transmission equalization.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26(1): 5100309, Jan 2020.
Link: [HTML] - A. Cunillera, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Cross-predicting the dynamics of an optically injected single-mode semiconductor laser using reservoir computing.
Chaos, 29(11): 113113, Nov 2019.
Link: [HTML] - P. Amil, M. C. Soriano, and C. Masoller.
Machine learning algorithms for predicting the amplitude of chaotic laser pulses.
Chaos, 29(11): 113111, Nov 2019.
Link: [HTML] - F. Olivares, L. Zunino, M. C. Soriano, and D. G. Pérez.
Unraveling the decay of the number of unobserved ordinal patterns in noisy chaotic dynamics.
Physical Review E, 100(4): 042215, Oct 2019.
Link: [HTML] - I. Estébanez, I. Fischer, and M. C. Soriano.
Constructive Role of Noise for High-Quality Replication of Chaotic Attractor Dynamics Using a Hardware-Based Reservoir Computer.
Physical Review Applied, 12: 034058, Sep 2019.
Link: [HTML] - M. Alfaras, M. C. Soriano, and S. Ortín.
A Fast Machine Learning Model for ECG-Based Heartbeat Classification and Arrhythmia Detection.
Frontiers in Physics, 7: 103, Jul 2019.
Link: [HTML] - T. Jungling, X. Porte, N. Oliver, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
A unifying analysis of chaos synchronization and consistency in delay-coupled semiconductor lasers.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(6): 1501609, Nov 2019.
Link: [HTML] - S. Ortín, M. C. Soriano, M. Alfaras, and C. R. Mirasso.
Automated real-time method for ventricular heartbeat classification.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 169: 1–8, Feb 2019.
Link: [HTML] - G. Garau Estarellas, G. L. Giorgi, M. C. Soriano, and R. Zambrini.
Machine Learning Applied to Quantum Synchronization-Assisted Probing.
Advanced Quantum Technologies, 1800085, Jan 2019.
Link: [HTML] - A. Morán and M. C. Soriano.
Improving the quality of a collective signal in a consumer EEG headset.
PLoS ONE, 13(5): e0197597, May 2018.
Link: [HTML] - T. Jüngling, M. C. Soriano, N. Oliver, X. Porte, and I. Fischer.
Consistency properties of chaotic systems driven by time-delayed feedback.
Physical Review E, 97(4): 042202, Apr 2018.
Link: [HTML] - K. Hicke, D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Role of dynamical injection locking and characteristic pulse events for low frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers.
Chaos, 27(11):114307, Nov 2017.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, G. Niso, J. Clements, S. Ortín, S. Carrasco, M. Gudín, C. R. Mirasso, and E. Pereda.
Automated Detection of Epileptic Biomarkers in Resting-State Interictal MEG Data.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 11:43, Jun 2017.
Link: [HTML] - G. Van der Sande, D. Brunner, and M. C. Soriano.
Advances in photonic reservoir computing.
Nanophotonics, 6(3):561–576, May 2017.
Link: [HTML] - L. Keuninckx, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, R. M. Nguimdo, and G. Van der Sande.
Encryption key distribution via chaos synchronization.
Scientific Reports, 7:43428, Feb 2017.
Link: [HTML] - J. Bueno, D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Conditions for reservoir computing performance using semiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback.
Optics Express, 25(3): 2401–2412, Feb 2017.
Link: [HTML] - X. Porte, M. C. Soriano, D. Brunner, and I. Fischer.
Bidirectional private key exchange using delay-coupled semiconductor lasers.
Optics Letters, 41(12):2871–2874, Jun 2016.
Link: [HTML] a> - M. Hermans, M. C. Soriano, J. Dambre, P. Bienstman, and I. Fischer.
Photonic delay systems as machine learning implementations.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16:2081–2097, Oct 2015.
Link: [HTML] - S. Ortín, M. C. Soriano, L. Pesquera, D. Brunner, D. San-Martín, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and J. M. Gutiérrez.
A unified framework for reservoir computing and extreme learning machines based on a single time-delayed neuron.
Scientific Reports, 5:14945, Oct 2015.
Link: [HTML] - M. L. Alomar, M. C. Soriano, M. Escalona-Moran, V. Canals, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and J. L. Rossello
Digital implementation of a single dynamical node reservoir computer.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 62(10):977–981, Oct 2015.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, X. Porte, and I. Fischer.
Experimental Phase-Space Tomography of Semiconductor Laser Dynamics.
Physical Review Letters, 115:053901, Jul 2015.
Link: [HTML] - J. Martínez-Llinàs, X. Porte, M. C. Soriano, P. Colet and I. Fischer.
Dynamical properties induced by state-dependent delays in photonic systems.
Nature Communications, 6:7425, Jun 2015.
Link: [HTML] - T. Jüngling, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Determining the sub-lyapunov exponent of delay systems from time series.
Physical Review E, 91(6):062908, Jun 2015.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, D. Brunner, M. Escalona-Moran, C. R. Mirasso, and I. Fischer.
Minimal approach to neuro-inspired information processing.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9:68, Jun 2015.
Link: [HTML] - M. A. Escalona-Moran, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Electrocardiogram classification using reservoir computing with logistic regression.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(3):892–898, May 2015.
Link: [HTML] - G. Gomez-Herrero, W. Wu, K. Rutanen, M. C. Soriano, G. Pipa, and R. Vicente.
Assessing coupling dynamics from an ensemble of time series.
Entropy, 17(4):1958–1970, Apr 2015.
Link: [HTML] - N. D. Haynes, M. C. Soriano, D. P. Rosin, I. Fischer, and D. J. Gauthier.
Reservoir computing with a single time-delay autonomous boolean node.
Physical Review E, 91(2):020801, Feb 2015.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, S. Ortin, L. Keuninckx, L. Appeltant, J. Danckaert, L. Pesquera, and G. Van der Sande.
Delay-based Reservoir Computing: Noise Effects in a Combined Analog and Digital Implementation.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(2):388–393, Feb 2015.
Link: [HTML] - X. Porte, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Similarity properties in the dynamics of delayed-feedback semiconductor lasers.
Physical Review A, 89:023822, Feb 2014.
Link: [HTML] - X. Porte, O. D'Huys, T. Jüngling, D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Autocorrelation properties of chaotic delay dynamical systems: A study on semiconductor lasers.
Physical Review E, 90:052911, Nov 2014.
Link: [HTML] - M. Escalona-Moran, M. C. Soriano, J. Garcia-Prieto, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Multivariate nonlinear time-series estimation using delay-based reservoir computing.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223(13):2903–2912, Dec 2014.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, C. R. Mirasso, and I. Fischer.
Complex photonics: Dynamics and applications of delay-coupled semiconductors lasers.
Reviews of Modern Physics, 85:421–470, Mar 2013.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, V. Flunkert, and I. Fischer.
Relation between delayed feedback and delay-coupled systems and its application to chaotic lasers.
Chaos, 23(4): 043133, Dec 2013.
Link: [HTML] - H. Kato, M. C. Soriano, E. Pereda, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Limits to detection of generalized synchronization in delay-coupled chaotic oscillators.
Physical Review E, 88(6): 062924, Dec 2013.
Link: [HTML] - N. Oliver, M. C. Soriano, D. W. Sukow, and I. Fischer.
Fast random bit generation using a chaotic laser: Approaching the information theoretic limit.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 49(11):910–918, Nov 2013.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
High-Speed Optical Vector and Matrix Operations Using a Semiconductor Laser.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(17):1680–1683, Sep 2013.
Link: [HTML] - S. Heiligenthal, T. Jüngling, O. D'Huys, D. A. Arroyo-Almanza, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, I. Kanter, and W. Kinzel.
Strong and weak chaos in networks of semiconductor lasers with time-delayed couplings.
Physical Review E, 88(1):012902, Jul 2013.
Link: [HTML] - L. Mashal, R. M. Nguimdo, G. Van der Sande, M. C. Soriano, J. Danckaert, and G. Verschaffelt.
Low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor ring lasers with optical feedback.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 49(9):790-797, Sep 2013.
Link: [HTML] - D. A. Arroyo-Almanza, A. N. Pisarchik, I. Fischer, C. R. Mirasso, and M. C. Soriano.
Spectral properties and synchronization scenarios of two mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers.
Optics Communications, 301-302:67–73, 2013.
Link: [HTML] - K. Hicke, M. Escalona, D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Information processing using transient dynamics of semiconductor lasers subject to delayed feedback.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 19(4): 1501610, Jul 2013.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, M. C. Soriano, C. R. Mirasso, and I. Fischer.
Parallel photonic information processing at gigabyte per second data rates using transient states.
Nature Communications, 4:1364, Nature Publishing Group, Jan 2013.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, S. Ortin, D. Brunner, L. Larger, C. R. Mirasso, I. Fischer, and L. Pesquera.
Optoelectronic reservoir computing: tackling noise-induced performance degradation.
Optics Express, 21(1):12–20, Jan 2013.
Link: [HTML] - D. Brunner, X. Porte, M. C. Soriano, and I. Fischer.
Real-time frequency dynamics and high-resolution spectra of a semiconductor laser with delayed feedback.
Scientific Reports, 2(732):doi:10.1038/srep00732, Oct 2012.
Link: [HTML] - L. Larger, M. C. Soriano, D. Brunner, L. Appeltant, J. M. Gutierrez, L. Pesquera, C. R. Mirasso, and I. Fischer.
Photonic information processing beyond Turing: an optoelectronic implementation of reservoir computing.
Optics Express, 20(3):3241–3249, Jan 2012.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, G. Van der Sande, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Synchronization in simple network motifs with negligible correlation and mutual information measures.
Physical Review Letters, 108(13):134101, Mar 2012.
Link: [HTML] - J. Tiana-Alsina, K. Hicke, X. Porte, M. C. Soriano, M. C. Torrent, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and I. Fischer.
Zero-lag synchronization and bubbling in delay-coupled lasers.
Physical Review E, 85(2):026209, Feb 2012.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino, M. C. Soriano, and O. A. Rosso.
Distinguishing chaotic and stochastic dynamics from time series by using a multiscale symbolic approach.
Physical Review E, 86(4):046210, Oct 2012.
Link: [HTML] - L. Appeltant, M. C. Soriano, G. Van der Sande, J. Danckaert, S. Massar, J. Dambre, B. Schrauwen, C. R. Mirasso, and I. Fischer.
Information processing using a single dynamical node as complex system.
Nature Communications, 2(468):doi:10.1038/ncomms1476, Sep 2011.
Link: [HTML] - R. Modeste Nguimdo, M. C. Soriano, and P. Colet.
Role of the phase in the identification of delay time in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback.
Optics Letters, 36(22):4332–4334, Nov 2011.
Link: [HTML] - N. Oliver, M. C. Soriano, D. W. Sukow, and I. Fischer.
Dynamics of a semiconductor laser with polarization rotated feedback and its utilization for random bit generation.
Optics Letters, 36(23):4632–4634, Dec 2011.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, L. Zunino, L. Larger, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Distinguishing fingerprints of hyperchaotic and stochastic dynamics in optical chaos from a delayed opto-electronic oscillator.
Optics Letters, 36(12):2212–2214, Jun 2011.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, T. Berkvens, G. Van der Sande, G. Verschaffelt, J. Danckaert, and I. Fischer.
Interplay of current noise and delayed optical feedback on the dynamics of semiconductor lasers.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 47(3):368–374, Mar 2011.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, L. Zunino, O. A. Rosso, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Time Scales of a Chaotic Semiconductor Laser With Optical Feedback Under the Lens of a Permutation Information Analysis.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 47(2):252–261, Feb 2011.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino, O. A. Rosso, and M. C. Soriano.
Characterizing the Hyperchaotic Dynamics of a Semiconductor Laser Subject to Optical Feedback Via Permutation Entropy.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 17(5):1250–1257, SEP-OCT 2011.
Link: [HTML] - A. Jacobo, M. C. Soriano, C. R. Mirasso, and P. Colet.
Chaos-Based Optical Communications: Encryption Versus Nonlinear Filtering.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 46(4):499–505, April 2010.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino, M. C. Soriano, O. A. Rosso, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Permutation-information-theory approach to unveil delay dynamics from time-series analysis.
Physical Review E, 82(4):046212(1)–(9), Oct 2010.
Link: [HTML] - F. Ruiz-Oliveras, M. C. Soriano, P. Colet, and C. R. Mirasso.
Information Encoding and Decoding Using Unidirectionally Coupled Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers Subject to Filtered Optical Feedback.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 45(8):972–978, Aug 2009.
Link: [HTML] - M. C. Soriano, P. Colet, and C. R. Mirasso.
Security Implications of Open- and Closed-Loop Receivers in All-Optical Chaos-Based Communications.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21(7):426–428, Apr 2009.
Link: [HTML] - L. Zunino, M. C. Soriano, A. Figliola, D. G. Pérez, M. Garavaglia, C. R. Mirasso, and O. A. Rosso.
Performance of encryption schemes in chaotic optical communication: A multifractal approach.
Optics Communications, 282(23):4587–4594, 2009.
Link: [HTML] - G. Van der Sande, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, and C. R. Mirasso.
Dynamics, correlation scaling, and synchronization behavior in rings of delay-coupled oscillators.
Physical Review E, 77(5):055202(1)–(4), May 2008.
Link:[HTML] - MC Soriano, F Ruiz-Oliveras, P Colet, and CR Mirasso.
Synchronization properties of coupled semiconductor lasers subject to filtered optical feedback.
Physical Review E, 78(4):046218(1)–(8), Oct 2008.
Link: [HTML] - G. Van der Sande, M. C. Soriano, M. Yousefi, M. Peeters, J. Danckaert, G. Verschaffelt, and D. Lenstra.
Influence of current noise on the relaxation oscillation dynamics of semiconductor lasers.
Applied Physics Letters, 88(7):071107(1)–(3), February 2006.
Link: [HTML] - J. Albert, M. C. Soriano, I. Veretennicoff, K. Panajotov, J. Danckaert, P. A. Porta, D. P. Curtin, and J. G. McInerney.
Laser Doppler velocimetry with polarization-bistable VCSELs.
IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics, 10(5):1006–1012, SEP-OCT 2004.
Link: [HTML] - MC Soriano, M Yousefi, J Danckaert, S Barland, M Romanelli, G Giacomelli, and F Marin.
Low-frequency fluctuations in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with polarization selective feedback: Experiment and theory.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 10(5):998–1005, SEP-OCT 2004.
Link: [HTML]