Cuadro de texto: Finite-size Lyapunov exponents (FSLE)
(Aurell, Boffetta, Crisanti, Paladin, Vulpiani, 1997; 
Artale, Boffetta, Celani, Cencini, Vulpiani, 1997  …)
 Identify strongly hyperbolic trajectories and stable and unstable manifolds
 Provide measures of mixing 
d'Ovidio, Fernández, EHG, López, Geophysical Research Letters 31, L17203 (1-4) (2004). 
Isern-Fontanet, d'Ovidio, García, EHG, López, in progress. 

Direct computation of Distinguished Hyperbolic Trajectories and their stable and unstable manifolds 
(Mancho, Small, Wiggins, Ide, 2003; Mancho, Small, Wiggins, 2004) 
 A.M. Mancho, EHG, S. Wiggins, D. Small, in progress
Cuadro de texto: 7

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