Cuadro de texto: Distinguished hyperbolic trajectories and manifolds Cuadro de texto:  Rigorously identifies hyperbolic structures in the flow

 Identifies observed structures such as ‘barriers to transport’ known to oceanographers

Allows the calculation of lobe areas and transport, and traces the origin of water masses

On the negative side: hyperbolic points should be found one by one: no global view. The numerics is rather delicate. Cuadro de texto: Able to reveal globally the dynamical structures in the flow: main hyperbolic trajectories, their manifolds, …

The FSLE structures obtained from altimetric data correlate well with tracer (SST, Chl) distributions. 

Simple enough to be applied in a practical way to a real and complex Mediterranean velocity data set

Allow the definition and calculation of some functions that quantify the temporal (seasonal) and spatial dependence of the mixing strength 

On the negative side: it is not rigorous, and lobe areas can not be computed

Cuadro de texto: Finite-size Lyapunov exponents Cuadro de texto: Isern-Fontanet,d'Ovidio,López,Hernández-García,
García-Ladona, Cuadro de texto: Mancho,Hernandez-Garcia,Small,Wiggins,

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