Zero-lag long-range synchronization via dynamical relaying

Fischer, Ingo; Vicente, Raul; Buldu, Javier; Peil, Michael; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Torrent, M.C.; Garcia-Ojalvo, Jordi
Physical Review Letters 97, 123902(1-4) (2006)

We show that isochronous synchronization between two delay-coupled oscillators can be achieved
by relaying the dynamics via a third mediating element, which surprisingly lags behind the synchronized
outer elements. The zero-lag synchronization thus obtained is robust over a considerable
parameter range. We substantiate our claims with experimental and numerical evidence of such
synchronization solutions in a chain of three coupled semiconductor lasers with long inter-element
coupling delays. The generality of the mechanism is validated in a neuronal model with the same
coupling architecture. Thus, our results show that zero-lag synchronized chaotic dynamical states
can occur over long distances through relaying, without restriction by the amount of delay.

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