Variational Approach to KPZ: Fluctuation Theorems and Large Deviation Function for Entropy Production

H.S. Wio, M.A. Rodriguez & R. Gallego
Chaos 30, 073107 (1-8) (2020)

Motivated by the time behavior of the functional arising in the variational approach to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation, and in order to study fluctuation theorems in such a system, we have adapted a path-integral scheme that adequately fits to this kind of study dealing with unstable systems. As the KPZ system has no stationary probability distribution, we show how to proceed for obtaining detailed as well as integral fluctuation theorems. This path-integral methodology, together with the variational approach, in addition to allowing analyze
fluctuation theorems, can be exploited to determine a large deviation function for entropy production.

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