Synchronization Properties of Bidirectionally Coupled Semiconductor Lasers Under Asymmetric Operating Conditions

Martínez Avila, J.F.; Vicente R.; Rios Leite, J.R.; Mirasso C.R.
Physical Review E 75, 066202 (1-6) (2007)

We study, both experimentally and numerically, a system of two coupled semiconductor lasers in an asymmetric
configuration. A laser subject to optical feedback is bidirectionally coupled to a free running laser.While
maintaining the coupling strength, we change the feedback rate and observe a transition from highly correlated
low-frequency fluctuations to episodic synchronization between dropouts and jump-ups. Our results resemble
those obtained recently in a unidirectionally coupled system Buldú et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 024102 2006.

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