Periodic Entrainment of Power Dropouts in Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

Buldú, J.M.; Vicente, Raúl; Pérez, Toni; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Torrent, MC; García-Ojalvo, J
Applied Physics Letters 81, 5105-5108 (2002)

We examine the effect of current modulation in the irregular dropout dynamics exhibited by
two mutually coupled semiconductor lasers. Our experimental results show that a weak periodic
modulation in the injection current of one of the lasers entrains the power dropouts in a very efficient
way. It is also observed that the laser with the highest frequency leads the dynamics independently
of which laser is modulated. As a result, the entrainment is anticipative when modulation is applied
to the laser with lowest frequency. Numerical simulations of a model based on delay-coupled rate
equations successfully reproduce the observed behavior.

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