Leaking method approach to surface transport in the Mediterranean Sea from a numerical ocean model

Schneider, J.; Fernandez, V.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.
Journal of Marine Systems 57, 111-126 (2005)

We use Lagrangian diagnostics (the leaking and the exchange methods) to characterize surface transport out of and between selected regions in the Western Mediterranean. Velocity fields are obtained from a numerical model. Residence times of water of Atlantic origin in the Algerian basin, with a strong seasonal dependence, are calculated. Exchange rates between these waters and the ones occupying the northern basin are also evaluated. At surface, northward transport is dominant, and involves filamental features and eddy structures that can be identified with the Algerian eddies. The impact on these results of the presence of small scale turbulent motions is evaluated by adding Lagrangian diffusion.

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