Frequency and phase locking of laser cavity solitons

Ackemann, T.; Noblet, Y.; Paulau, P.V.; McIntyre, C.; Colet, P.; Firth, W.J.; Oppo, G.-L.
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems (edited by B. A. Malomed), Springer, 49-87 (2013)

Self-localized states or dissipative solitons have the freedom of translation in systems with a homogeneous background. When compared to cavity solitons in coherently driven nonlinear optical systems, laser cavity solitons have the additional freedom of the optical phase. We explore the consequences of this additional Goldstone mode and analyze experimentally and numerically frequency and phase locking of laser cavity solitons in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with frequency-selective feedback. Due to growth-related variations of the cavity resonance, the translational symmetry is usually broken in real devices. Pinning to different defects means that separate laser cavity solitons have different frequencies and are mutually incoherent. If two solitons are close to each other, however, their interaction leads to synchronization due to phase and frequency locking with strong similarities to the Adler-scenario of coupled oscillators.

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