Current distributions in stripe Majorana junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
The European Physical Journal B 90, 90:28(1-7) (2017)

We calculate current and density distributions in stripe (2D planar) junctions between normal and Majorana nanowires having a finite (y) transverse length. In presence of a magnetic field with vertical and in-plane components, the y-symmetry of the charge current distribution in the normal lead changes strongly across the Majorana phase transition: from center-symmetric if a Majorana mode is present to laterally-shifted (as expected by the Hall effect) if the field is tilted such as to destroy the Majorana mode due to the projection rule. We compare quasi-particle and charge distributions of current and density, as well as spin magnetizations. The Majorana mode causes opposite spin accumulations on the transverse sides of the junction and the emergence of a spin current.

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