Convection induced nonlinear-symmetry-breaking in wave mixing
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Convection induced nonlinear-symmetry-breaking in wave mixing
Zambrini, Roberta; San Miguel, Maxi; Durniak, Celine; Taki, Majid
Physical Review E 72, 025603 (R)(1-4) (2005)
We show that the combined action of diffraction and convection (walk-off) in wave mixing processes leads to a nonlinear-symmetry-breaking in the generated travelling waves. The dynamics near to threshold is reduced to a Ginzburg-Landau model, showing an original dependence of the nonlinear self-coupling term on the convection. Analytical expressions of the intensity and the velocity of travelling waves emphasize the utmost importance of convection in this phenomenon. These predictions are in excellent agreement with the numerical solutions of the full dynamical model.
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