Coherent regimes of mutually coupled Chua's circuits
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Coherent regimes of mutually coupled Chua's circuits
Gomes Da Silva, I.; De Monte, S.; d'Ovidio F.; Toral, R.; Mirasso, C.R.
Physical Review E 73, 036203 (1-7) (2006)
We study the dynamical regimes that emerge from the strong coupling between two Chua's circuits with parameters mismatch. For the region around the perfect synchronous state we show how to combine parameter diversity and coupling in order to robustly and precisely target a desired regime. This target process allows us to obtain regimes that may lie outside parameter ranges accessible for any isolated circuit. The results are obtained by following a recently developed theoretical technique, the order parameter expansion, and are verified both by numerical simulations and on electronic circuits. The theoretical results indicate that the same predictable change in the collective dynamics can be obtained for large populations of strongly coupled circuits with parameter mismatches.
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