Characterizing the deterministic nature of individual power dropouts in semiconductor lasers subject to delayed feedback

Hicke, Konstantin; Porte, Xavier; Fischer, Ingo
Physical Review E 88, 052904 (1-6) (2013)

We implement a method to identify the deterministic nature of specific events in the dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to time-delayed optical feedback. Specifically, we study the power dropouts in the low-frequency fluctuations regime on an individual event basis and identify whether the underlying dominant mechanism is deterministic. Our approach is based on sychronization with a twin system in a symmetric relay configuration. We investigate the dependence of the fraction of deterministically driven (i.e., synchronized) dropouts on the laser's pump current as a key parameter. Our experimental results are corroborated by numerical modeling based on rate equations. Our numerical findings also provide insights into the influence of spontaneous emission noise.

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