
Human diffusion and city influence

Lenormand, M; Gonçalves, B; Tugores, A; Ramasco, J J
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150473 (2015)

Modelling delay propagation trees for scheduled flights

Campanelli, B.; Ciruelos, C.; Arranz, A.; Etxebarria, I.; Peces, S.; Fleurquin, P.; Eguiluz, V.M. ; Ramasco, J.J.
Proceedings of the 11th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015, EUROCONTROL, 2015, (2015)

Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

Lenormand, Maxime ; Louail, T; Cantu-Ros, O G; Picornell, M; R Herranz, R; Murillo Arias, J ; Barthelemy, M; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J
Scientific Reports 5, 10075 (2015)

A simple and bounded model of population dynamics in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Galenao, J. ; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 53-70 (2015)

Dragging in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.; Galeano, J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 37-52 (2015)

Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

Picornell, M.; Ruiz, T.; Lenormand, M.; Ramasco, J.J.; Dubernet, T.; Frías-Martínez, E.
Transportation 42, 647-668 (2015)

Persistence in Voting Behavior: Stronghold Dynamics in Elections

Perez, Toni; Fernandez-Gracia, Juan; Ramasco, Jose J.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 9021, 173-181 (2015)

Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

Louail, T; Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, M; García Cantú, O; Herranz, R; Fría-Martinez, E; Ramasco, Jose J; Barthelemy, M
Nature Communications 6, 6007 (2015)

Learning and coordinating in a multilayer network

Lugo, Haydee; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 5, 7776 (2015)

Crowdsourcing Dialect Characterization through Twitter

Gonçalves, B.; Sánchez, D.
PLoS ONE 9, e112074 (1-6) (2014)

Master Thesis: Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

Artime, Oriol (M. San Miguel; JJ Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2014)

Movilidad y transporte: un viaje a través del espacio, de la ciudad al mundo

Campanelli, B.; Lenormand, M.; Fleurquin, P.; Ramasco, J.J.; Eguíluz, V.M.
Revista Española de Física 28, 37-41 (2014)

Rethinking the logistic approach for population dynamics of mutualistic interactions

Garcia-Algarra, J; Galeano, J; Pastor, JM; Iriondo, JM; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Theoretical Biology 363, 332-343 (2014)

Social imitation vs strategic choice, or consensus vs cooperation in the networked Prisoner’s Dilemma

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, Jose J.; Sanchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 90, 022810 (2014)

Tweets on the road

Lenormand, Maxime;Tugores, Antonia; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J
PLoS ONE 9, e105407 (2014)

Cross-checking different sources of mobility information

Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, Miguel; Cantu-Ros, Oliva; Tugores, Antonia; Louail, Thomas; Herranz, Ricardo; Barthelemy, Marc; Frias-Martinez, Enrique; Ramasco, Jose J.
PLoS ONE 9, e105184 (2014)

Is the Voter Model a model for voters?

Fernandez-Gracia, J; Suchecki, K; Ramasco, JJ; San Miguel, M; Eguiluz, VM
Physical Review Letters 112, 158701 (2014)

Fragmentation transition in a coevolving network with link-state dynamics

Carro, Adrian; Vazquez, Federico; Toral, Raul; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 89, 062802 (2014)

Entangling mobility and interactions in Social Media

Grabowicz, P.A.; Ramasco, J.J.; Goncalves, B.; Eguiluz V.M.
PLoS ONE 9, e92196 (2014)

Absorbing and Shattered Fragmentation Transitions in Multilayer Coevolution

Diakonova, Marina; San Miguel, Maxi; Eguiluz, Victor
Physical Review E 89, 062818 (2014)

Characterization of delay propagation in the US air transportation network

Fleurquin, Pablo; Ramasco, José J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Transportation Journal 53, 330-344 (2014)

Space–time correlations in urban sprawl

Hernando, A. ; Hernando, R. ; Plastino, A.
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, 20130930 (1-6) (2014)

Metapopulation epidemic models with heterogeneous mixing and travel behaviour

Apolloni, A; Poletto, C; Ramasco, JJ; Jensen, P; Colizza, V
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 11, 3 (1-31) (2014)

Complex Networks approach to modeling online social systems: The emergence of computational social science

Grabowicz, PA, (Supervisors: Eguiluz, VM and Ramasco, JJ);
PhD Thesis (2014)

Localized coherence in two interacting populations of social agents

Gonzalez-Avella, J.C.; Cosenza, M.G.: San Miguel, M
Physica A 399, 24-30 (2014)

Agent-based models of language competition

Castello, Xavier; Loureiro-Porto, Lucia; San Miguel, Maxi
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 221, 21-51 (2013)

The noisy Hegselmann-Krause model for opinion dynamics

Pineda, Miguel; Toral, Raul; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
European Physical Journal B 86, 490 (1-10) (2013)

Mining online social networks with Python to study urban mobility

Tugores, Antònia; Colet, Pere
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013). Editors: Pierre de Buyl and Nelle Varoquaux, , , (2013)

Data-driven modeling of systemic delay propagation under severe meteorological conditions

Fleurquin, Pablo; Ramasco, José J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013), , , (2013)

The Role of Noise and Initial Conditions in the Asymptotic Solution of a Bounded Confidence, Continuous-Opinion Model

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 131-149 (2013)

Opinions, Conflicts and Consensus: Modeling Social Dynamics in a Collaborative Environment

Török, János; Iñiguez, Gerardo; Yasseri, Taha; San Miguel, Maxi ; Kaski, Kimmo; Kertész, János
Physical Review Letters 110, 088701 (1-5) (2013)

Distinguishing Topical and Social Groups Based on Common Identity and Bond Theory

Grabowicz, Przemyslaw A.; Aiello, Luca Maria; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Jaimes, Alejandro
WSDM '13 Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, ACM, , 627--636 (2013)

On the effect of heterogeneity in stochastic interacting-particle systems

Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral, Raul
Scientific Reports 3, 1189 (1-8) (2013)

Systemic delay propagation in the US airport network

Fleurquin, Pablo; Ramasco, Jose J; Eguiluz, Victor M
Scientific Reports 3, 1159 (2013)

Impact of environmental dynamics on economic evolution: A stylized agent-based policy analysis

Nannen, Volker; van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M.; Eiben, A. E.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80, 329-350 (2013)

Dynamics in Online Social Networks

Grabowicz, Przemyslaw A.; Ramasco, José J.; Eguíluz, Víctor M.
Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2, Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems, Springer New York, 3-17 (2013)

Timing interactions in social simulations: The voter model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan; M. Eguíluz, Víctor; San Miguel, Maxi
Temporal networks (Edited by Holme, P. and Saramäki, J.), Springer, 331-352 (2013)

Dynamics of link states in complex networks: The case of a majority rule

Fernández-Gracia, J.; Castelló, X.; Eguíluz, V.M.; San Miguel , M.
Physical Review E 86, 066113 (1-8) (2012)

Real-time numerical forecast of global epidemic spreading: case study of 2009 A/H1N1pdm

Tizzoni, Michele; Bajardi, Paolo; Poletto, Chiara; Ramasco, Jose J.; Balcan, Duygu; Goncalves, Bruno; Perra, Nicola; Colizza, Vittoria; Vespignani, Alessandro
BMC Medicine 10, 165 (2012)

A model for cross-cultural reciprocal interactions through mass media

Gonzalez-Avella, J.C.; Cosenza, M.G.; San Miguel, M.
PLOS ONE 7, e51035 (2012)

Influence of opinion dynamics on the evolution of games

Gargiulo, Floriana; Ramasco, Jose Javier
PLoS ONE 7, e48916 (2012)

Manifesto of Computational Social Science

Conte, R.; Gilbert, N.; Bonelli, G.; Cioffi-Revilla, C.; Deffuant, G., Kertesz, K.; Loretto, V., Nadal, J.P.; Sanchez, A.; Nowak, A.; Flache, A.; San Miguel, M.; Helbing, D.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 325–346 (2012)

Cognitive network structure: an experimental study

Guazzini, Andrea; Vilone, Daniele; Bagnoli, Franco; Carletti, Timoteo; Lauro Grotto, Rosapia
Advances in Complex Systems 15, 1250084 (2012)

Social and strategic imitation: the way to consensus

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, José J.; Sánchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 2, 686 (2012)

Resistance to Learning and the Evolution of Cooperation

Jimenez, R.; Lugo, H.; San Miguel, M.
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (edited by Norbert M. Seel), Springer, 2848-2849 (2012)

Modeling two-language competition dynamics

Patriarca, M.; Castelló, X.; Uriarte, J.R.; Eguíluz, V.M.; San Miguel, M.
Advances in Complex Systems 15, 1250048 (2012)

Dynamical classes of collective attention in Twitter

Lehmann,J; Goncalves,B; Ramasco,JJ; Cattuto, C
WWW '12: Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, ACM, 251-260 (2012)

Fenómenos Colectivos Sociales

San Miguel, Maxi
Revista Española de Fisica 26, 56-63 (2012)

Challenges in Complex Systems Science

San Miguel, Maxi; Johnson, Jeffrey H.; Kertesz, Janos; Kaski, Kimmo; Díaz-Guilera, Albert; MacKay, Robert S.; Loreto, Vittorio; Erdi, Peter; Helbing, Dirk
European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 245-271 (2012)

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