Web traffic: analysis of navigation data and modeling at single user level.

  • IFISC Seminar

  • José J
  • Ramasco, IFISC
  • 15 de Diciembre de 2010 a las 15:00
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

Our era has started to be known as the Information Age. This name
reflects the importance that fast communication means and information
retrieval tools as Internet and the WWW are gaining in our everyday
life. Since the opening of Internet to the general public, an important
question is whether it is possible to predict the traffic that users
generate in Web sites. The answer to this question, and most importantly
a reliable method to do such prediction, could have immediate practical
consequences. Examples are PageRank and the search engine that it
inspired (Google), but also guiding automatic search processes
(crawlers) or predicting advertising revenues for the sites. In this
talk, I will describe our efforts to bridge the gap between real data
and models in this area. We have performed several data collection
campaigns with the aim of tracking navigation patters of users. Each
individual user has his/her own particular characteristics, but we have
found some common statistical features underlying their behavior in the
Web. This allows us to propose realistic models able to reproduce
individual Web surfing and by the aggregation of the different users to
study site traffic.

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Ernesto M. Nicola

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