Shortcuts to adiabaticity from quantum control to quantum computing

Xi Chen

Xi Chen, a senior rearcher at UPV/EHU, leads the Quantum Control and Quantum Optics group at the University of the Basque Country in Spain. His team pioneers research in quantum optimal control, using shortcuts to adiabaticity. His recent focus includes developing counter-diabaticity quantum optimization algorithms, applicable across diverse domains. Their expertise extends to machine learning techniques and designing advanced quantum information processing using detailed models of various quantum platforms. Dr. Chen is the Principal Investigator of the EPIQUS project. He was the professor in China, and obtained JdC and RyC fellowships in Spain. He has published over 160 papers, cited more than 8800 times according to Google Scholar.


Broadcast soon


TALK at 11:00 @ Seminar Room


Quantum computing has long captivated the scientific community with its promise of solving complex problems that lie beyond the reach of classical computers. However, the road to practical quantum computation is fraught with challenges, particularly in ensuring the robustness and efficiency of quantum operations. In this talk, we delve into the fascinating realm of "Shortcuts to Adiabaticity" (STA) and explore how this cutting-edge approach can revolutionize quantum control and quantum computation. STA methods offer ingenious methods to achieving adiabatic-like behavior in quantum systems, bypassing the need for time-consuming adiabatic evolutions. We will focus on three key aspects that propel quantum computing towards a more accessible and powerful future: (i) Optimal shortcuts with machine learning: We will unveil how optimal control and machine learning play a pivotal role in discovering optimal shortcuts. 


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Rosa Lopez

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