Quantum meeting: Different levels of approximations in Open Quantum Systems and their applications

  • Talk

  • Ricard Ravell Rodríguez
  • Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM
  • 12 de Diciembre de 2023 a las 12:00
  • Zoom Seminar
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Calculating the dynamics of a non-isolated system is generally computationally hard and sometimes even not feasible. Due to that reason, one needs to use different approximations that are detrimental to the accuracy of the results. However, in the majority of the current research papers, people tend to simply use the Markovian master equation (or GKLS.) While it is extremely simple to calculate and it is justified to use it in some circumstances one cannot always trust it as the final answer. This thesis aims to show that there are more ways to deal with open quantum system dynamics that are more reliable and easily implementable --for some systems-- than the GKLS equation. Among those, we just focus on those that preserve the positivity of the state, i.e. the dynamics are completely positive. We have also applied the Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics to perform some desired tasks such as charging a quantum battery or estimating the temperature of a system. Finally, we compared the results from different approaches whenever possible.




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Roberta Zambrini

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