Puzzling out the Mechanical Stability of the DV Organizer of the Wing Imaginal Disc

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Javier Buceta
  • Parc Científic Barcelona, Barcelona
  • 31 de Marzo de 2011 a las 15:00
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

During the course of development, tissues are subjected to forces that shape the primordia. Within this context we have studied the dynamics and stability of the dorsal-ventral organizer of the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila as cell proliferation advances. Our approach is based on a generalized vertex model to perform in silico experiments that is fully dynamical and takes into account the available experimental data. Thus, in this talk \'ll show that our results shed light on the complex interplay between the cytoskeleton mechanics, the cell cycle, the cell growth, and the cellular interactions, in order to shape the dorsal-ventral organizer as a robust source of positional information and a lineage controller. All in all, our results provide novel insights into the developmental mechanisms that drive the dynamics of the DV organizer and set a definition of the so-called Notch fence model in quantitative terms.

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Ernesto M. Nicola

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