Non-dipole electron modes in atomic clusters: implementation of two-photon procesess

  • Talk

  • Prof
  • Valentin Nesterenko, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow
  • 8 de Julio de 2004 a las 12:00
  • Aula 1, Ed. Mateu Orfila
  • Announcement file

Two-photon processes like Raman scattering (RS),
stimulated emission pumping (SEP) and stimulated adiabatic Raman
passage (STIRAP) are widely used for investigation of non-dipole modes
in atoms and molecules. However, some clusters properties (broad level
structures, short lifetimes, non-radiative decay channels, ...)
make questionable their implementation to atomic clusters. Our TDLDA
analysis shows that these two-photon techniques can nevertheless be
applied to clusters and deliver valuable information on cluster
features. As an instructive case, we consider infrared quadrupole
electron modes
(IRQM) in light deformed clusters. IRQM provide a direct access to the
electron spectra and can serve as a sensitive tool for investigation of
many cluster properties. Being induced by cluster deformation, IRQM
deliver important information on deformation effects in cluster mean

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Cristóbal López

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