Mitigating cross-talk errors in gate-based quantum computations

MdM Quantum Meeting

I will start by giving a brief overview of the current status of universal and non-universal quantum computing. I will then tell about a case study of simulating the BCS model on IBM quantum computers and the error-mitigation techniques used in it [1]. I will discuss the technique of crosstalk randomized compiling that allows one to simplify the structure of noise on a quantum computer, mitigate the noise in simulation results and quantify the amount of crosstalk.

[1] H. Perrin, T. Scoquart, A. Shnirman, J. Schmalian, and K. Snizhko, Mitigating Crosstalk Errors by Randomized Compiling: Simulation of the BCS Model on a Superconducting Quantum Computer, Phys Rev Res 6, 013142 (2024).

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Gonzalo Manzano

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