Legendre structure in quantum mechanics

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Angel Plastino
  • Univ. Nac. de La Plata and Inst. de Física La Plata (CONICET
  • 7 de Julio de 2011 a las 15:00
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

Thermodynamics relationships can be expressed in different fashion,
choosing as independent variables different collections of
intensive-extensive variables combinations. For instance, the natural
variables of the internal energy E are S, V, N, all of them extensive.
For the Helmholtz free energy F one has, instead, T, V, N. However, F
and E contain exactly the same amount of information. This is due to
the fact that thermodynamic potentials are interconnected via Legendre
transforms. We show in this communication that a similar Legendre
transform structure underlies the celebrated Schrödinger equation.

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