SURF19 People


The candidate must be enrolled in an official university degree and must have passed at least 120 ECTS of his/her degree. This call requires a minimum average qualification of 7/10.

Dedication and financial support

Fellowships have assigned a total research work of 150 hours, equivalent to four weeks working full time. Each fellowship provides 600 Euros for students living in Mallorca and 900 Euros otherwise. Students living outside Mallorca can apply for a travel grant that in any case cannot exceed 500 Euros.

Starting date and duration

The research work can be developed between June 15 and July 31 (2019).

SURF@IFISC Fellows 2019

Teo Gil Moreno de Mora         UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Ana Palacios de Luis UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Nicole Orzan Università di Trieste
Renzo Bruera UB (Universitat de Barcelona)
Antònia Verdera UIB (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Lucas Maisel UB (Universitat de Barcelona)
Piotr Storożenko Warsaw University of Technology

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