María de Maeztu Ph.D positions (closed)

IFISC offers 2 NEW PhD positions, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, to work within the María de Maeztu unit of excellence. The two positions are: 

MdM-2017-0711-18-1 (covering priority lines PL3 and PL4)

MdM-2017-0711-18-2 (covering priority lines PL1 and PL2)

Candidates can choose to work in any of the IFISC’s research priority lines ( Potential supervisors are any of the permanent IFISC’s researchers ( 

IFISC’s STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE is the study, exploration and development of INFORMATION PROCESSING IN AND BY COMPLEX SYSTEMS. This comprises connecting existing approaches in different fields, developing common frameworks and the synthesis of novel information processing concepts. We focus the activity towards this novel strategic objective, creating new synergies and increasing coherence, boosting the cross-fertilisation within the institute, raising its global visibility and increasing its competitiveness. 

Interested candidates should apply for the contracts at the following address:

The contracts have duration of 4 years and a gross salary of 16.422 euros/year and include mobility funds for research stays. During the last year the contract can be upgraded to a postdoctoral contract.

Deadline for submission: 29/10/2018.  Expected starting period (according to previous calls): After June 2019. 

General questions can be addressed by email to:

For more detailed information about specific PhD research projects, contact any of the permanent IFISC’s researchers (

Within the Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu award, IFISC STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES for the period 2018-2022 are the study, exploration, and development of INFORMATION PROCESSING IN AND BY COMPLEX SYSTEMS. These objectives comprise connecting state-of-the-art approaches originating from different fields, developing common frameworks, and synthesizing novel information processing concepts. 

Our research priorities encompass four lines: 

L1: Information processing in biological systems

  • Information processing in biochemical networks, brain circuits and structures, and ecological networks
  • Genetic diversity in ecosystems and its response to environmental changes
  • Biodiversity patterns, especially in microbial communities; alternative ways to encode and store information

L2: Brain-inspired analog computing in photonic and electronic systems

  • Hardware implementations of reservoir computing and their applications in telecom and datacom
  • Development of novel computing concepts, theoretical framework for scaling and modelling
  • Autonomous operation of recurrent networks 

L3: Quantum information: decoherence, dissipation, and transmission

  • Emergent quantum phenomena and information retrieval in extended and network systems
  • New functionalities based on nanoelectronic devices
  • Information processing using quantum materials

L4: Information processing in socio-technical systems

  • Evolution of social-system and processing of information: opinion, consensus, meme spreading, fake news, etc.
  • Studies of mobility of people and animals;
  • Data-driven modeling and response of urban systems to external perturbations.

Focusing on these novel strategic objectives, we will create new synergies within IFISC, increase its coherence and boost cross-fertilization within the institute. If you want to become part of this endeavor, IFISC offers various opportunities to do so.


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