• I.P.: Raúl Toral
  • Partners: Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, IFISC, Fundació EURECAT
  • Data d'inici: 10 de novembre de 2023
  • Data de finalització: 9 de maig de 2025

The success of the energy transition process is based on a transformation of the social mindset (FROM THE EURO TO THE JOULE), which places the value of the economy and energy efficiency on the same level as economic return. This implies a process of training and education for citizens to enable them to make responsible and sustainable decisions and to protect them from disinformation. The present project pursues these objectives through the use of complex systems science to study and understand how the dynamics of social transmission condition the acquisition of knowledge and the adoption of new habits/technologies in the context of energy. The six elements on which the project is based are:
(i) The creation of a digital platform with formatted resources (videos, social dialogue workshops, etc.) related to this area,
(ii) A study of social dialogue platforms related to this area,
(iii) An analysis of social media to show the impact that users of this platform have, depending on the type of content (scientific or viral) used,
(iv) An analysis of the temporal and geographic patterns followed by new photovoltaic self-consumption installations to understand the extent to which these are due to social imitation phenomena, and
(v) A final report (including an explanatory paper on social, economic, and/or environmental differences) that recognizes the potential influence of these social differences on the process of implementing the energy transition in society and on the potential strategies and/or promotional campaigns that are planned.


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    Pere Colet

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