Roberta Zambrini
Coordinador: Roberta Zambrini
Data d'inici: 1 de gener de 2017
Data de finalització: 31 de desembre de 2019
Impressive progress in isolating and manipulating single quantum systems and recent developments in secure communications, sensors, metrology and computation, based on quantum physics and information are at the basis of the envisaged second revolution in quantum science and technologies. We are on the verge of assembling large collections of coupled quantum units where quantum simulations can be already performed with reasonable accuracy and control, in platforms based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices, trapped ions, arrays of superconducting qubits or of quantum dots and photons. In this context we propose to address questions on the interface of the fields of complex systems, quantum information, and open quantum systems, focusing (i) on quantum synchronization and super-radiance in arrays of coupled optomechanical resonators, (ii) on the modeling and analysis of quantum dissipation for many units in correlated substrates/environments as well as (iii) on the possibility to engineer periodic or more complex structures to protect systems of interest from decoherence.
Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: mathematical, physical and engineering sciences 477, 20200850 (2021)
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