Time learning in one cerebellar purkinje cell

Majoral, Daniel (Supervisor: Mirasso, C. R.)
Master Thesis , (2015)

In the classical conditioned eyeblink response a conditioned stimulus (CS) (i.e. a tone) is presented before the unconditioned stimulus (US), an air pu to the eye. The cerebellum learns to respond to the conditioned stimulus with an eye blink that anticipates the air pu . In the Cerebellum one Purkinje cell receives the CS through parallel bers and the US from climbing bers. Recent experiments have shown that one cerebellar Purkinje cell is able to learn the time interval between CS and US, which implies that exists a memory di erent from synaptic plasticity. We try to model how the Purkinje cell is able to learn time intervals and postulate the existence of an internal clock in the millisecond range in the Purkinje cell.

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