Countries globally trade with tones of waste materials every year, some of which are highly hazardous. This trade admits a network representation (W4 or world-wide waste web), with countries as vertices and flows as directed weighted edges. Here we investigate the main properties of W4 by tracking 108 categories of wastes interchanged in the period 2001-2019. Although, most of the hazardous waste were traded between developed nations, a disproportionate asymmetry existed in the flow of waste from developed to developing countries. Using a dynamical model, we simulate how waste congestion propagates through the W4. We identify 28 countries with low Environmental Performance Index (EPI) that are at high risk of waste congestion. Therefore, they are at threat of improper handling and disposal of HW. We found evidence of contamination by heavy metals (HM), by volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/or by persistent organic pollutants (POP), which were used as chemical fingerprints (CF), due to the improper handling of HW in several of these countries.
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