The effects of Stress, Temperature and Spin Flips on Polarization Switching in VCSELS

Van der Sande, Guy; Peeters, Michael; Veretennicoff, Irina; Danckaert, Jan; Verschaffelt, Guy; Balle, Salvador
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 42, 896-904 (2006)

We discuss the effect of uniaxial planar stress on polarization switching in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The approach is based on an explicit form of a frequency-dependent complex susceptibility of the uniaxially stressed quantum-well semiconductor material. In this mesoscopic framework, we have taken cavity anisotropies, spin carrier dynamics, and thermal shift of the gain curve into account. In this way, we present a model that provides a global overview of the polarization switching phenomenon. The results are compared with experiments on an air-post VCSEL operating at 980 nm.

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