Stochastic Entrainment of Optical Power Dropouts

J.M. Buldú, J. García-Ojalvo, Claudio R. Mirasso, and M.C. Torrent
Physical Review E 66, 021106 (2002)

We show that the natural pulsed behavior, in the form of sudden power dropouts, exhibited by
semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback can be entrained by the joint action of external
noise and weak periodic driving. These power dropouts, which in the absence of forcing do not occur periodically, acquire the periodicity of the harmonic driving for an optimal amount of external noise,in what constitutes a form of stochastic resonance. This phenomenon is analyzed by means of a generalized Lang-Kobayashi model with external non-white noise in the modulated pump current,
in terms of both the temporal correlation and the amplitude of the noise.

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