Quantifying the contributions, or weights, of comparisons or single studies to the estimates in a network meta-analysis (NMA) is an active area of research. We extend this work to include the contributions of paths of evidence. We present a general framework, based on the path-design matrix, that describes the problem of finding path contributions as a linear equation. The resulting solutions may have negative coefficients. We show that two known approaches, called shortestpath and randomwalk, are special solutions of this equation, and both meet an optimization criterion, as they minimize the sum of absolute path contributions. In general, there is an infinite set of solutions, which can be identified using the generalized inverse (Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse). We consider two further special approaches. For large networks we find that shortestpath is superior with respect to run time and variability, compared to the other approaches, and is thus recommended in practice. The path-weights framework also has the potential to answer more general research questions in NMA.
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