
Understanding the role of top-down input in visual information processing

Sofía Gil Rodrigo (Supervisors: Javier Galván and Claudio Mirasso)
Master Thesis (2024)

NEURAL DYNAMICS AND INFORMATION TRANSMISSION: from cortical circuits to the hippocampal modelling

Jaime Sánchez Claros (Supervisors Claudio Mirasso and Santiago Canals)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Modeling circuit mechanisms of opposing cortical responses to visual flow perturbations

Galván Fraile, J; Scherr, F; Ramasco, J. J.; Arkhipov, A.; Maass, W; Mirasso, C. R.
Plos Computational Biology 20, e1011921 (2024)

Understanding the effects of cortical gyrification in tACS: insights from experiments and computational models

Cabrera-Álvarez, J.; Sánchez-Claros, J.; Carrasco-Gómez, M.; del Cerro-León, A.; Gómez-Ariza, C. J.; Maestú, F.; Mirasso, C. R.; Susi, G.
Frontiers in Neurosciences 17, 1223950 (2023)

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