Polarization properties and transverse mode characteristics in Quantum-Well Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers.

Martin-Regalado, J.; San Miguel, M.; Abraham, N. B.; Prati, F.; Tissoni, G.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, SPIE Proc., N.B. Abraham and Ya. I. Khanin, eds. 2792, 136-147 (1996)

Switching between linearly polarized states of slightly different optical
frequencies is found in the fundamental transverse mode pattern is described as
the injection current is increased. Polarization switchings obtained here as
the injection current is increased in a semiconductor rate equation model
incorporating a vector electric field, birefringence and the linewidth
enhancement factor, are similar to previously reported experimental results for
the fundamental mode. Polarization properties of higher order Gauss-Hermite
modes are also analyzed.


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