
Proliferating active disks with game dynamical interaction

Almodovar, Alejandro; Galla, Tobias; López, Cristóbal
Submitted (2025)

Navigating uncertainty: Risk-averse versus risk-prone strategies in populations facing demographic and environmental stochasticity

Calvo, Rubén; Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 111, 024118 (2025)

Generating functional analysis of a thresholded random generalised Lotka-Volterra model

Roig Oliver, Adrian (supervisor: Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2024)

Shortest path or random walks? A framework for path weights in network meta‐analysis

Rücker, Gerta.; Papakonstantinou, Theodoros; Nikolakopoulou, Adriani; Schwarzer, Guido.; Galla, Tobias; Davies, Annabel L
Statistics in Medicine 43, 4287-4304 (2024)

Extinction and coexistence in a binary mixture of proliferating motile disks

Almodovar, Alejandro; Galla, Tobias; López, Cristóbal
Physical Review E 109, 064140 (2024)

Eigenvalue spectra of finely structured random matrices

Poley, Lyle; Galla, Tobias; Baron, Joseph
Physical Review E 109, 064301 (2024)

Ordering dynamics of nonlinear voter models

Ramirez, Lucia; Vazquez, Federico; San Miguel, Maxi ; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 109, 034307 (2024)

Aging effects in Coordination games

Ciardella, Samuele (supervisors: San Miguel, Maxi; Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2023)

Noisy voter models in switching environments

Caligiuri, Annalisa; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 108, 044301 (2023)

Mutators can drive the evolution of multi-resistance to antibiotics

Gifford, Danna R.; Berrios Caro, Ernesto; Joerres, Christine; Suñé, Marc; Forsyth, Jessica H.; Bhattacharyya, Anish; Galla, Tobias; Knight Christopher G.
PLOS Genetics 19, e1010791 (2023)

Measuring the pitch control of professional football players using spatiotemporal tracking data

Higgins, Lewis; Galla, Tobias; Prestidge, Brian; Wyatt Terry
J Phys Complexity 4, 025008 (2023)

Lyapunov Exponents for Temporal Networks

Caligiuri, Annalisa; Eguiluz, Victor; Di Gaetano, Leonardo; Galla, Tobias; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review E 107, 044305 (2023)

Breakdown of Random-Matrix Universality in Persistent Lotka-Volterra Communities

Baron, Joseph W.; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review Letters 130, 137401 (2023)

Generalised Lotka-Volterra model with hierarchical interactions

Poley, Lyle; Baron, Joseph W.; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 107, 024313 (2023)

Network Meta-Analysis: A Statistical Physics Perspective

Davies, Annabel L; Galla, Tobias
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2022, 11R001 (1-79) (2022)

Liquid-Hexatic-Solid phases in active and passive Brownian particles determined by stochastic birth and death events

Almodovar, Alejandro; Galla, Tobias; López, Cristóbal
Physical Review E 106, 054130 (2022)

Local and global ordering dynamics in multistate voter models

Ramirez, Lucía; San Miguel, Maxi; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 106, 054307 (1-17) (2022)

Analytical and numerical treatment of continuous ageing in the voter model

Baron, Joseph W;Peralta, Antonio F. ;Galla, Tobias.;Toral, Raul
Entropy 24, 1331 (2022)

Generating functional analysis of Lotka-Volterra equations with Hebbian couplings

Rozas, Enrique (director: Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2022)

Eigenvalues of random matrices with generalised correlations: a path integral approach

Baron, Joseph William; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review Letters 128, 120601 (1-6) (2022)

Network meta‐analysis and random walks

Davies, Annabel L.; Papakonstantinou, Theodorus; Nikolakopoulou, Adriani; Rücker, Gerta; Galla, Tobias
Statistics in Medicine 41, 2091-2114 (2022)

Towards a taxonomy of learning dynamics in 2 × 2 games

Pangallo, Marco; Sanders, James B. T; Galla, Tobias; Farmer, J. Doyne
Games and Economic Behaviour 132, 1-21 (2022)

Non-Gaussian random matrices determine the stability of Lotka-Volterra communities

Baron, Joseph W.; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Submitted (2022)

Retarded kernels for longitudinal survival analysis and dynamic prediction

Davies, Annabel L.; Coolen, Anthony C. C.; Galla, Tobias
Submitted (2022)

Beyond the adiabatic limit in systems with fast environments: A tau-leaping algorithm

Berrios-Caro, Ernesto; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 104, 014122 (2021)

Computational Social Models (CSIC Libro Blanco)

Galla, Tobias; San Miguel, Maxi; Toral, Raul
CSIC Libro Blanco, , (2021)


Riva, Luis; Galla, Tobias; et al.
Libro Blanco Desafíos Científicos CSIC 2030, , (2021)

Switching environments, synchronous sex, and the evolution of mating types

Berríos-Caro, Ernesto; Galla, Tobias; Constable, George W. A.
Theoretical Population Biology 138, 28-42 (2021)

Zealots in multi-state noisy voter models

Khalil, Nagi; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 103, 012311 (2021)

Competition delays multi-drug resistance evolution during combination therapy

Berrios-Caro, Ernesto; Gifford, Danna R; Galla, Tobias
Journal of Theoretical Biology 509, 110524 (1-15) (2021)

Geospatial distributions reflect temperatures of linguistic features

Kauhanen, Henri; Gopal, Deepthi; Galla, Tobias; Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo
Science Advances 7, eabe6540 (1-10) (2021)

Degree irregularity and rank probability bias in network meta‐analysis

Davies, Annabel L; Galla, Tobias
Research Synthesis Methods , (1-17) (2021)

Stochastic and deterministic approaches to generalised random Lotka-Volterra communities

Ferran Larroya Paixa (Advisor: Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2020)

Dispersal-induced instability in complex ecosystems

Baron, Joseph William; Galla, Tobias
Nature Communications 11, 6032 (2020)

First-passage times and normal tissue complication probabilities in the limit of large populations

Hufton, Peter; Buckingham-Jeffery, Elizabeth; Galla, Tobias
Scientific Reports 10, 8786 (1-12) (2020)

Adiós al padre del caos

Galla, Tobias
El Pais, , 4 May (2020)

Ecological communities from random generalized Lotka-Volterra dynamics with nonlinear feedback

Sidhom, Laura; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 101, 032101 (1-15) (2020)

Intrinsic noise, Delta-Notch signalling and delayed reactions promote sustained, coherent, synchronized oscillations in the presomitic mesoderm

Baron, Joseph W.; Galla, Tobias
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 , 20190436 (1-13) (2019)

Consensus and diversity in multistate noisy voter models

Herrerías-Azcué, Francisco; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 100, 022304 (1-13) (2019)

Motion, fixation probability and the choice of an evolutionary process

Herrerías-Azcué, Francisco;Pérez-Muñuzuri, Vicente; Galla, Tobias
PLoS Computational Biology 15, e1007238 (2019)

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