
Dynamic response of a ferromagnetic nanofilament under rotating fields: effects of flexibility, thermal fluctuations and hydrodynamics

Sánchez, PA; Cerrato, A; Cerdà, JJ; Bona-Casas, C; Sintes, T; Massó, J
Nanoscale 16, 11724-11738 (2024)

Depletion Interactions at Interfaces Induced by Ferromagnetic Colloidal Polymers.

Cerdà, JJ; Batle, J; Bona-Casas, C; Massó, J; Sintes, T
Polymers 16, 820 (2024)

Colloidal magnetic brushes: influence of the magnetic content and presence of short-ranged attractive forces in the micro-structure and field response.

Cerdà, J.J.; Bona-Casas, C.; Cerrato, A.; Sintes, T.; Massó, J.
Soft Matter 17, 5780-5791 (2021)

Magnetic responsive brushes under flow in narrow slits: external field control of brush structure and flowing particle mixture separation

Cerdà, J. J.; Bona-Casas, C.; Pyanzina, E. S.; Sánchez, P. A.; Kantorovich, S.; Sintes, T.
Soft Matter 15, 8937–9160 (2019)

Correlated Multipartite quantum systems

Batle, J.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 87, 032318 (1-8) (2013)

Discord –entanglement interplay in the thermodynamic limit: the XY model

Batle,J; Plastino,A.; Plastino,A.R.; Casas,M.;
International Journal of Quantum Information 11, 135003 (1-13) (2013)

Entanglement and the speed of evolution of two interacting qubits

Zander, C.; Borras, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Plastino, A.; Casas, M.;
Journal of Physics A 46, 095302 (1-19) (2013)

Entropic entanglement criteria for Fermion systems

Zander, C.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
European Physical Journal D 66, 14 (1-13) (2012)

Peculiarities of quantum discord´s geometric measure

Batle, J.; Casas,M.
Journal of Physics A 44, 505304 (1-13) (2011)

New Microscopic Connections of Thermodynamics

Plastino,A; Casas,M
Thermodynamics (edited by M. Tadashi), InTech, 3-22 (2011)

Nonlocality and entanglement in qubit systems

Batle, J.; Casas, M.
Journal of Physics A 44, 445304 (1-26) (2011)

Extreme Fisher Information, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Reciprocity Relations

A. Plastino, F. Olivares, S. Flego, M. Casas
Entropy 13, 184-194 (2011)

Nonlocality and entanglement in the XY model

Batle,J.; Casas,M.
Physical Review A 82, 062101 (2010)

Some features of the state-space trajectories followed by robust entangled four-qubit states during decoherence

Majtey,A.P.; Borras,A.; Plastino,A.R.; Casas,M.; Plastino, A.
International Journal of Quantum Information 8, 505-515 (2010)

The Quantum-Classical Transition as an Information Flow

Kowalski, Andres M.; Martin, Maria T.; Zunino, Luciano; Plastino, Angelo; Casas, Montserrat
Entropy 12, 148-160 (2010)

Generalized Complexity and Classical-Quantum Transition

Kowalski, AM; Plastino, A; Casas, M
Entropy 11, 111-124 (2009)

Information, Deformed kappa-Wehrl Entropies and Semiclassical Delocalization

Pennini, F; Plastino, A; Ferri, GL; Olivares, F; Casas, M
Entropy 11, 32-42 (2009)

Divergences in the 2-qubits space: Werner and thermal states

Borrás, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Applied Mathematical Sciences 3, 1041-1059 (2009)

Typical features of the Mintert-Buchleitner lower bound for concurrence.

Borras, A.; Majtey, A.P.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M. and Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 79, 022112 (1-6) (2009)

Robustness of highly entangled multiqubit systems under decoherence.

Borras, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 79, 022108 (1-7) (2009)

Efficient generation of random multipartite entangled states using time optimal unitary operations.

Borras, A.; Majtey, A.P.; Casas, M.
Physical Review A 78, 022328 (1-5) (2008)

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem.

Borras, A.; Zander, C. A. ; Plastino, R.M.; Casas , M.; Plastino. A
Europhysics Letters 81, 30007 (1-5) (2008)

Metric character of the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence.

Lamberti, P.W. ; Majtey, A.P. ; Borras, A.; Casas, M.; Plastino A.
Physical Review A 77, 05311 (2008)

Quantum brachistochrone evolution of systems of two identical particles: the role of entanglement.

Borras, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 78, 052104 (1-7) (2008)

Some entanglement features of highly entangled multiqubit states

Borras, A.; Plastino, A. R.; Casas,M.; Plastino, A.
International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) 6, 605-611 (2008)

Jensen-Shannon divergence as a measure of the degree of entanglement.

Majtey, A.P.; Borras, A.; Casas, M.; Lamberti, P.W.; Plastino. A.
International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) 6 No.1, 715-720 (2008)

Multiqubit systems: highly entangled states and entanglement distribution

Borras, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Batle, J.; Zander, C.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Journal of Physics A 40, 13407-13421 (2007)

Entanglement and the speed of evolution of multi-partite quantum systems

Zander, C.; Plastino, A.R.; Plastino, A.; Casas, M.
Journal of Physics A 40, 2861-2872 (2007)

Maximum entropy principle and continuity evolution equation with source terms

Schonfeldt, J.H.; Jimenez, N.; Plastino, A. R.; Plastino, A.;Casas, M.
Physica A 374, 573-584 (2007)

Entanglement and the lower bounds on the speed of quantum

Borras, A.; Majtey, A. P.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.; Plastino, A.R.
Physical Review A 74, 022326 (2006)

Erratum: Connection between entanglement and the speed of quantum evolution [Phys. Rev. A 72, 032337 (2005)]

Physical Review A 73, 049904(1) (2006)

Positive operator valued measures and the quantum Monthy Hall problem

Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 78, 417-422 (2006)

Metrics, entanglement, and mixedness in the space of two qubits

Batle, J.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.; Plastino, A.R.;
Physics Letters A 353, 161-165 (2006)

A systematic numerical survey of the separability criteria for bipartite quantum systems

Casas,M.; Batle,J; Plastino,A.R.; Plastino,A.
Condensed Matter Theories, Nova Science Publ., Chapter 28 (2005)

Connection between entanglement and the speed of quantum evolution

Batle, J.;Casas, M.;Plastino, A.;Plastino, A.R.
Physical Review A 72, 032337 (1-5) (2005)

Dynamical Thermostatting and Statistical Ensembles

Roston,G;PlastinoA.R.;Casas,M;Plastino,A;da Silva,L.R.
European Physical Journal B 48, 87-93 (2005)

Some statistical features of the entanglement changes associated with quantum logical gates

Batle, J.;Casas, M.;Plastino, A.;Plastino, A.R.
Physica A 356, 385-402 (2005)

Wave functions' discernibility and the role of fluctuations

Casas, M;Lamberti,P.W,;Plastino,A;Plastino,A.R.;Roston,G.
Il Nuovo Cimento 120B, 521-532 (2005)

Maximally entangled mixed states and conditional entropies

Physical Review A 71, 024301 (1-4) (2005)

Entanglement distribution and entangling power of quantum gates

Batle, J;Casas,M;Plastino,A.R.;Plastino, A.
Optics and Spectroscopy 99, 362-369 (2005)

Quantum entanglement, spin one-half, and the Stern-Gerlach experiment

European Journal of Physics 26, 657-672 (2005)

Quantum entropies and entanglement

International Journal of Quantum Information 3, 99-104 (2005)

Werner states and the two-spinors Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet

Batle,J;Casas,M;Plastino,A; Plastino,A.R.
Physics Letters A 343, 12-19 (2005)

Fisher variational principle and thermodynamics

Plastino, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M
Variational Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Systems Editors: S. Sieniutycz, H. Farkas, Elsevier, 379-394 (2005)

Inclusion relations among separability criteria

Batle, J.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Journal of Physics A 37, 895-907 (2004)

Liouville equation and q-statistical formalism

Plastino, A. R.; Giordano, C.; Plastino, A.; Casas, M.
Physica A 336, 376-390 (2004)

On the correlations between quantum entanglement and q-information measures

Batle, J.; Casas ,M.; Plastino, A.; Plastino, A.R.
Physics Letters A 318, 506-513 (2003)

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