
Conditional fluctuation theorems and entropy production for monitored quantum systems under imperfect detection

Ferri-Cortés, Mar; Almanza-Marreo, José A.; López, Rosa; Zambrini, Roberta; Manzano, Gonzalo
Submitted (2025)

Gambling Carnot Engine

Tohme, Tarek; Bedoya, Valentina; di Bello, Costantino; Bresque, Léa; Manzano, Gonzalo; Roldán, Édgar
Submitted (2025)

Reassessing quantum-thermodynamic enhancements in continuous thermal machines

Almanza-Marrero,José A.;Manzano,Gonzalo
Submitted (2025)

Wigner's friend scenarios: on what to condition and how to verify the predictions

del Santo, Flavio; Manzano, Gonzalo; Brukner, Caslav
Submitted (2025)

Work extraction with feedback control using limited resources

Hartle, Harrison; Wolpert, David; Stier, Andrew; Kempes, Christopher P; Manzano, Gonzalo
Submitted (2025)

Stochastic thermodynamics of imitation models

Irisarri, Luis (Supervisors: Manzano, Gonzalo; Toral, Raúl)
Master Thesis (2024)

Information-to-energy conversion in an autonomous thermal machine

Trigal, Lucas (Supervisors: Manzano, Gonzalo; López, Rosa)
Master Thesis (2024)

Fluctuations in molecular motors: thermodynamics of F1-ATPase

Nadal Rosa; Adrian (Supervisor: Manzano, Gonzalo)
Master Thesis (2024)

Thermodynamics of computations with absolute irreversibility, unidirectional transitions, and stochastic computation times

Manzano, Gonzalo; Kardeş, Gülce; Roldán, Édgar; Wolpert, David
Physical Review X , 021026 (2024)

Quantum coherence enables hybrid multitask and multisource regimes in autonomous thermal machines

Hammam, Kenza; Manzano, Gonzalo; de Chiara, Gabriele
Physical Review Research 6, 013310 (2024)

Quantum-enhanced performance in superconducting Andreev-reflection engines

Manzano, Gonzalo; López, Rosa
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043041 (2023)

The effects of coherence in quantum absorption refrigerators

Almanza Marrero, Jose Antonio; (Advisors: Manzano, Gonzalo; Zambrini, Roberta)
Master Thesis (2022)

Collective effects on the performance and stability of quantum heat engines

Souza, Leonardo S.; Manzano, Gonzalo; Fazio, Rosario;Iemini,Fernando
Physical Review E 106, 014143 (2022)

Quantum thermodynamics under continuous monitoring: a general framework

Manzano, Gonzalo; Zambrini, Roberta
AVS Quantum Science 4, 025302 (2022)

Inferring work by quantum superposing forward and time-reversal evolutions

Rubino, Giulia; Manzano, Gonzalo; Rozema, Lee A.; Walther, Philip; Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Brukner, Časlav
Physical Review Research 4, 013208 (2022)

Survival and extreme statistics of work, heat and entropy production in steady-state heat engines

Manzano, Gonzalo; Roldán, Édgar
Physical Review E 105, 024112 (2022)

Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects

Manzano, Gonzalo; Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Landi, Gabriel T.
PRX Quantum 3, 010304 (2022)

Quantum superposition of thermodynamic evolutions with opposing time’s arrows

Rubino, Giulia; Manzano, Gonzalo; Brukner, Časlav
Communications Physics 4, 251 (2021)

Un nuevo demonio de Maxwell

Manzano, Gonzalo
Investigación y Ciencia (Scientific American), 539, 12-14 (2021)

Comment on "Steady-State Coherences by Composite System-Bath Interactions"

Cattaneo, Marco; Manzano, Gonzalo
Submitted (2021)

Optimizing autonomous thermal machines powered by energetic coherence

Hammam, Kenza; Hassouni, Yassine; Fazio, Rosario; Manzano, Gonzalo
New Journal of Physics 23, 043024 (2021)

Thermodynamics of Gambling Demons

Manzano, Gonzalo; Subero, Diego; Maillet, Olivier; Fazio, Rosario; Pekola, Jukka P.;Roldán, Édgar
Physical Review Letters 126, 080603 (2021)

Synchronization along quantum trajectories

Es’haqi-Sani, Najmeh; Manzano, Gonzalo; Roberta, Zambrini; Fazio, Rosario
Physical Review Research 2, 023101 (1-11) (2020)

Boosting the performance of small autonomous refrigerators via common environmental effects

Manzano,Gonzalo;Giorgi,Gian Luca;Fazio,Rosario;Zambrini,Roberta
New Journal of Physics 21, 123026 (1-14) (2019)

Entropy production and fluctuations in a Maxwell's refrigerator with squeezing

Manzano, Gonzalo
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 227, 285-300 (2018)

Quantum Fluctuation Theorems for Arbitrary Environments: Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Entropy Production

Manzano, G.;Horowitz, J.M.; Parrondo, J.M.R.
Physical Review X 8, 031037 (2018)

Thermodynamics and Synchronization in Open Quantum Systems

Manzano Paule, Gonzalo (Supervisors: Parrondo, Juan M.R.; Zambrini, Roberta)
PhD Thesis, Springer Theses (2018)

Optimal work extraction and thermodynamics of quantum measurements and correlations

Manzano, Gonzalo; Plastina, Francesco; Zambrini; Roberta
Physical Review Letters 121, 120602 (2018)

Thermodynamics and synchronization in open quantum systems

Manzano, Gonzalo (Directors: Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Zambrini, Roberta)
PhD Thesis UCM (2017)

Performance of autonomous quantum thermal machines: Hilbert space dimension as a thermodynamical resource

Silva, Ralph; Manzano, Gonzalo; Skrzypczyk, Paul; Brunner, Nicolas
Physical Review E 94, 032120 (2016)

Entropy production and thermodynamic power of the squeezed thermal reservoir

Manzano,Gonzalo;Galve,Fernando;Zambrini,Roberta;Parrondo,Juan M. R.
Physical Review E 93, 052120 (2016)

Nonequilibrium potential and fluctuation theorems for quantum maps

Manzano, Gonzalo; Horowitz, Jordan M. ; Parrondo, Juan MR
Physical Review E 92, 032129(1-9) (2015)

Avoiding dissipation in a system of three quantum harmonic oscillators

Physical Review A 87, 032114 (1-13) (2013)

Synchronization, quantum correlations and entanglement in oscillator networks

Manzano, Gonzalo; Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Zambrini, Roberta
Scientific Reports 3, 1439 (1-6) (2013)

Quantum correlations and mutual synchronization

Gian Luca Giorgi, Fernando Galve, Gonzalo Manzano, Pere Colet and Roberta Zambrini
Physical Review A 85, 052101 (1-7) (2012)

Synchronization and quantum correlations between coupled dissipative oscillators

Manzano, G; Zambrini, R
Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, 2011 Fifth Rio De La Plata Workshop on, IEEE, , 1-3 (2012)

Quantum aspects of synchronization of coupled harmonic oscillators in presence of dissipation

Manzano Paule, Gonzalo (Supervisor: Zambrini, Roberta)
Master Thesis UCM (2011)

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