Pair approximation for the noisy threshold q-voter model

R. Vieira, Allan; F. Peralta, Antonio; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi; Anteneodo, Celia
Physical Review E 101, 052131 (2020)

In the standard q-voter model, a given agent can change its opinion only if there is a full consensus of the opposite opinion within a group of influence of size q. A more realistic extension is the threshold q-voter, where a minimal agreement (at least 0 < q_0 ≤ q opposite opinions) is sufficient to flip the central agent’s opinion, including also the possibility of independent (non conformist) choices. Variants of this model including non-conformist behavior have been previously studied in fully connected networks (mean-field limit). Here we investigate its dynamics in random networks. Particularly, while in the mean-field case it is irrelevant whether repetitions in the influence group
are allowed, we show that this is not the case in networks, and we study the impact of both cases, with or without repetition. Furthermore, the results of computer simulations are compared with the predictions of the pair approximation derived for uncorrelated networks of arbitrary degree distributions.

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