Optimal run-and-tumble-based transportation of a Janus particle with a...
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Optimal run-and-tumble-based transportation of a Janus particle with active steering
Mano,Tomoyuki;Delfau,Jean-Baptiste; Iwasawa, Junichiro; Sano,Masaki
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 114, E2580-E2589 (2017)
Although making artificial micrometric swimmers has been made possible by using various propulsion mechanisms, guiding their motion in the presence of thermal fluctuations still remains a great challenge. Such a task is essential in biological systems, which present a number of intriguing solutions that are robust against noisy environmental conditions as well as variability in individual genetic makeup. Using synthetic Janus particles driven by an electric field, we present a feedback-based particle-guiding method quite analogous to the “run-and-tumbling” behavior of Escherichia coli but with a deterministic steering in the tumbling phase: the particle is set to the run state when its orientation vector aligns with the target, whereas the transition to the “steering” state is triggered when it exceeds a tolerance angle α. The active and deterministic reorientation of the particle is achieved by a characteristic rotational motion that can be switched on and off by modulating the ac frequency of the electric field, which is reported in this work. Relying on numerical simulations and analytical results, we show that this feedback algorithm can be optimized by tuning the tolerance angle α. The optimal resetting angle depends on signal to noise ratio in the steering state, and it is shown in the experiment. The proposed method is simple and robust for targeting, despite variability in self-propelling speeds and angular velocities of individual particles.
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