Heat and charge transport in nanostructures: Interference, AC-driving,...
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Heat and charge transport in nanostructures: Interference, AC-driving, environment, and feedback
Guillem Rosselló (Supervisor: Rosa López)
PhD Thesis (2019)
The fulfillment of Moore’s law, the doubling of number of transistors in integrated circuits every two years, has led to the miniaturization of chips to the nanoscale from the initially centimeter size transistors to nowadays, with transistors down to 1 nm . As a consequence, faster and smaller components for computers and smartphones are available nowadays. As good as this sounds, this improvement in performance and size comes with some associated problems since rapid operation means a stronger heat dissipation in the system. To overcome these problems one needs to characterize not only the charge current that is used in these systems but also to study its relation to heat currents and how they are dissipated. The investigation of these currents is not an easy task since in such small systems quantum effects start to play a crucial role and many new phenomena emerge. The aim of this thesis is to shed some light in this field by studying various nanoscale systems and characterizing their response to electrical and thermal forces in terms of charge and energy flows.
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