Experimental study of imperfect phase synchronization in the forced Lorenz system

Pujol-Peré, Antonio; Calvo, Oscar; Matías, Manuel A.;Kurths, Jürgen
CHAOS 13, 319-326 (2003)

Recent studies have illustrated a phenomenon that occurs in certain sinusoidally forced
chaotic oscillators: (chaotic) phase synchronization, in which the two, quite
different systems, oscillate at the same pace. Imperfect phase synchronization appears
in oscillators exhibiting unbounded return times, {it e.g.}, oscillators in which the chaotic set includes a saddle equilibrium, as is the case of Lorenz oscillator. We demonstrate the phenomenon of imperfect phase synchronization in an experimental system: an analog Lorenz circuit, including its implications in the behavior of the system.

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