Diffusive turn-off transients in current modulated multitransverse mode VCSELs

Valle, Angel; Mulet, Josep; Pesquera, Luis; Balle, Salvador
SPIE Proceedings, Paper OE4649-10 (2002) , (2002)

Secondary pulsations are an example of diffusive turn-off transients that can limit the performance of VCSELs in optical communication systems. Secondary pulsations are firstly analysed by using a model where a modal expansion of the electric field is performed. The maximum power of the secondary pulsations and the time at which they appear fluctuate when the spontaneous emission noise is present. A linear relation between the two previous quantities for each individual turn-off event is found. In the single-mode regime, the averaged maximum power during turn-off transients increases when increasing the injection current. However, in the multi-mode regime, the strength of secondary pulsations decreases when increasing the current. Secondary pulsations are also analysed by using a spatio-temporal description of the VCSEL dynamics, where the modal profiles are determined from the distribution of injected carriers and the thermal lens. This model also incorporates polarization effects and a frequency-dependent susceptibility. In this model, the carrier-induced refractive index changes increase the strength of secondary pulsations as compared to that obtained with the modal expansion. It is also shown that the use of ring-shaped electrical contact enhances the strength of secondary pulsations, while it decreases when multi-transverse mode operation is present.

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