Coupled Brownian Motors: anomalous-to-normal hysteresis transition and noise induced limit cycle

Wio, H.S.; Mangioni, S.
Proc. SPIE's First International Symposium on FLUCTUATIONS AND NOISE, Conf: NOISE IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS AND STOCHASTIC DYNAMICS, SPIE (2003). 5114, 193-200 (2003)

We study a model consisting of $N$ nonlinear oscillators with "global periodic" coupling and "local multiplicative" and additive noises. The model was shown to undergo a nonequilibrium phase transition towards a broken-symmetry phase exhibiting noise-induced ``ratchet" behavior. Here we review some aspects leading to an ''anomalous--to--normal" transition in the ratchet's hysteretic behavior and also show --as suggested by the absence of stable solutions when the load force is beyond a critical value-- the existence of a limit cycle induced by both: multiplicative noise and "global periodic" coupling.

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