Chaos based communications using semiconductor lasers subject to feedback from an integrated double cavity

Tronciu, Vasile; Mirasso, Claudio; Colet, Pere
Journal of Physics B:Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics 41, 155401 (1-8) (2008)

We report the results of numerical investigations of the dynamical behavior of an integrated device composed by a semiconductor laser and a double cavity that provides optical feedback. Due to the influence of the feedback, under the appropriate conditions the system displays chaotic behavior appropriate for chaos based communications. The optimal conditions for chaos generation are identified. It is found that the double cavity feedback requires lower feedback strengths for developing high complexity chaos when compared with a single cavity. The synchronization of two unidirectional coupled (master-slave) systems and the influence of parameters mismatch on the synchronization quality are also studied. Finally, examples of message encoding and decoding are presented and discussed.

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