Anticipated synchronization: a metaphorical linear view

Calvo, O.; Chialvo, D.R.; Eguiluz, V.M.; Mirasso C.; Toral, R.
Chaos 14, 7-11 (2004)

The possibility of predicting the behavior of a dynamical system ("master") in real time using a similar copy ("slave") has been demonstrated theoretically, numerically and experimentally. This surprising result is of general validity, although its main interest concerns those systems, such as chaotic, whose dynamics has an intrinsic degree of unpredictability. The prediction scheme is very simple and relies on the use of time delay lines in the dynamics of the slave system, while the master dynamics is not altered. By focusing on simple linear examples, in this paper we extract and highlight the essential ingredients of this intriguing phenomenon. We also analyze it from the engineering point of view, where the slave is seen as a cascade of control system blocks, an interpretation which might be useful in future applications to system control.

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