Analytical approximation for the quantum-well gain and refractive-inde...
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Analytical approximation for the quantum-well gain and refractive-index spectra of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers including the effect of uniaxial planar stress
van der Sande, G.; Danckaert, J.;Veretennicoff, I.;Panajotov, K.; Balle, S.
Physical Review A 71, 063801 (1-12) (2005)
Starting from a microscopic model in the free-carrier approximation, we derive an analytical approximation for the optical susceptibility of uniaxially stressed quantum-well lasers at low temperatures by neglecting second-order contributions of the band-mixing phenomenon. The resulting polarization-dependent peak gains, differential peak gains, transparency carrier densities, and linewidth enhancement factors as induced by the uniaxial planar stress are discussed.
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