Advanced Methodologies and Technologies for Innovative Information Systems

Cecil, Roy R.; Miranda, João L.; Nagy, Mariana; Da Silveira, Marcos; Zanin, Massimiliano
2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), IEEE, , 6745-6752 (2024)

Nowadays, Information Systems (IS) in healthcare systems are being successively updated, either incorporating advanced Optimization tools combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM), or using innovative computing features for storage, processing, security, privacy, and friendly interface. Large efforts are required to design, validate and implement such developments, diverse communities in multiple scientific domains are involved, and new approaches are key to cope with the transdisciplinary gaps. In this paper we outline and discuss the relevant technologies and methodologies for IS within the context of health emergencies. Advanced and innovative approaches are being applied within the Health Informatics area, and we address a set of key technologies (e.g., Cloud Computing, AI-based platforms, Neural Networks) and methodologies (e.g., Knowledge Graphs, advanced Optimization, Multi-Criteria Decision Making) that are being relevant within the Health Emergency Responses (HER) framework, and also for the health informatics communities.

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