Consistency is a powerful concept to characterize and classify the behavior of driven dynamical systems, therefore playing an essential role for the understanding of information processing in and by complex photonic systems. Here, we discuss two different experimental configurations of semiconductor laser systems with delayed optical feedback allowing for a unifying view via the detailed characterization and comparison of consistency and synchronization properties. The first configuration comprises two unidirectionally coupled semiconductor lasers, which has found considerable interest for applications in encrypted communication. The second configuration consists of a single laser with two optical delay loops of significantly different lengths, designed such that only one loop is active at a time and that allows to study replays of injected optical signals. We show that, in terms of three characteristic correlation measures—consistency correlation, transformation correlation, and spurious correlation—the dynamical features of the two different experiments are very similar and how the two configurations are connected. Our approach shows that consistency allows to understand and relate various chaos synchronization and stability properties. We particularly discuss the experimental results in the context of a previously established analytical framework, providing a common dynamical interpretation of consistency and chaos synchronization in delay-driven laser systems.
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