A Consumer-Resource Description of Public-Goods Production in Microbes
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A Consumer-Resource Description of Public-Goods Production in Microbes
Martínez-Peña, Rodrigo (Supervisors: Manuel Matías and Ricardo Martínez-García)
Master Thesis (2018)
During the last century, microbes were studied as organisms that behave individually. However, over the recent years they have become an important system to study the evolution of collective behaviours in biological systems. The production of public goods, substances that are secreted to the external medium and provide benefit to cells in the vicinity, is one of these behaviours. The aim of this project is to propose a family of models that can describe the growth of microbial populations when they produce public goods. In particular, we will focus our description on those bacteria that use quorum sensing. Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication mechanism that can regulate the expression of certain collective behaviours, like the production of public goods, in response to changes in population density. It is proposed a mean-field description based on consumer-resource ecological models. Therefore, as the simplest possible description, our formalism intends to be a first step to develop a more elaborated theory to study the production of public goods in microbes.
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