
Synchronization properties of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Systems

Tessone, C.J.; Toral, R.; Mirasso, C.R.;Gunton, J.D.
Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLV: The Physics of Complex Systems (New Advances and Perspectives) , Ed. by F. Mallamace and H.E. Stanley, IOS Press (Amsterdam), 461 (2004)

Fluctuations impact on a pattern-forming model of population dynamics with non-local interactions

Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, E
Physica D 199, 223-234 (2004)

Characterization of spatiotemporal chaos in an inhomogeneous active media

Bouzat, S.; Wio, H.S.; Mindlin, G.
Physica D 199, 185-193 (2004)

Diffusion in Fluctuating Media: The Resonant Activation Problem

Revelli, J.A.; Budde, C.E.; Wio, H.S.
Physica A 342, 1-8 (2004)

Effective dimensions and percolation in hierarchicaly structured scale-free networks

Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García, Emilio; Piro, Oreste; Klemm, Konstantin
Physical Review E 68, 055102 (1-4) (2003)

Coupled Brownian Motors: anomalous-to-normal hysteresis transition and noise induced limit cycle

Wio, H.S.; Mangioni, S.
Proc. SPIE's First International Symposium on FLUCTUATIONS AND NOISE, Conf: NOISE IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS AND STOCHASTIC DYNAMICS, SPIE (2003). 5114, 193-200 (2003)

Interaction of colloidal particles bearing grafted polymer chains onto spherical surfaces

Cerdà, J.J.; T. Sintes; R. Toral.
, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Vigo. (2003)

Interdisciplinariedad: Comentarios desde la perspectiva de un físico

San Miguel, Maxi
El papel social de la ciencia en baleares: Un homenaje a Javier Benedí. Eds. C. Duarte y F. Grases, Universitat Illes Balears, 235-250 (2003)

Parrondo's games as a discrete ratchet

Toral, R.; Amengual, P.; Mangioni, S.
Physica A 327, 105-110 (2003)

Spatial Patterns in Chemically and Biologically Reacting Flows

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan
Chaos in Geophysical Flows, edited by G. Boffetta, G. Lacorata, G. Visconti, and A. Vulpiani, OTTO editore (Torino), 35-61 (2003)

Transition from hexagons to optical turbulence

Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
Physical Review A 68, 011801 (R) (1-4) (2003)

Characterization of the anticipated synchronization regime in the coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo model for neurons

Toral, R.; Masoller, C. ;Mirasso, C.R. ;Ciszak, M.; Calvo, O.
Physica A 325, 192-198 (2003)

Anticipating the response of excitable systems driven by random forcing,

M. Ciszak; O. Calvo; C. Masoller; C.R. Mirasso; R. Toral
Physical Review Letters 90, 204102 (1-4) (2003)

Universal scaling of Lyapunov exponents in coupled chaotic oscillators

Liu, Zonghua; Lai, Ying-Cheng; Matías, Manuel A.
Physical Review E 67, 045203 (R) (1-4) (2003)

Synchronization of vectorial noise-sustained structures

Izús, G.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Santagiustina, M.
Physical Review E 68, 036201 (1-6) (2003)

Global culture: A noise induced transition in finite systems

Klemm, Konstantin; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 67, 045101(R) (1-4) (2003)

Dynamics of spatial structures in nonlinear optics

Damià Gomila (Director Pere Colet)
PhD Thesis (2003)

Polarization message encoding through vectorial chaos synchronization in vertical-cavity surface-emiting lasers

A. Sciré; J. Mulet; C.R.Mirasso;, J. Danckaert; M. San Miguel
Physical Review Letters 90, 113901 (1-4) (2003)

Experimental study of imperfect phase synchronization in the forced Lorenz system

Pujol-Peré, Antonio; Calvo, Oscar; Matías, Manuel A.;Kurths, Jürgen
CHAOS 13, 319-326 (2003)

Non-classical behavior in multimode and disordered transverse structures in OPO

Roberta Zambrini; Stephen M. Barnett; Pere Colet; Maxi San Miguel
European Physical Journal D 22, 461-471 (2003)

La ubicuidad como futuro de la Física Estadística y No Lineal

Guinea, F.; Louis, E.; San Miguel, M.
Revista Española de Física 17, num 5, 24-28 (2003)

Wavelet description of the Nikolaevskii model

Toral, Raúl; Xiong, Guoming; Gunton, J.D.; Xi, Haowen
Journal of Physics A36, 1323-1335 (2003)

Dynamics of Defects in the Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation

Hoyuelos, Miguel; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi
Physica D 174, 176-197 (2003)

System Size Coherence Resonance in Coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Models

Toral, R.; Mirasso, C.; Gunton, J.D.
Europhysics Letters 61, 162-167 (2003)

Bailout embeddings and Neutrally Buoyant particles in three-dimensional flows

Cartwright, J.H.E.; Magnasco, M.O.; Piro, O. and Tuval, I.
Physical Review Letters 89, 264501 (2002)

Epidemic threshold in structured scale-free networks

Eguiluz, Victor M.; Klemm, Konstantin
Physical Review Letters 89, 108701 (2002)

Effective Markovian aproximation for nonGaussian noises: a path integral approach.

Fuentes, M.A.; Wio, H.S.; Toral, R.
Physica A 303, 91-104 (2002)

Noise and Inertia-Induced Inhomogeneity in the Distribution of Small Particles in Fluid Flows

Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; Magnasco, Marcelo; Piro, Oreste
Chaos 12, 489-495 (2002)

Small-scale structure of nonlinearly interacting species advected by chaotic flows

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan
Chaos 12, 470-480 (2002)

Quantum properties of tranverse pattern formation in second-harmonic generation

Bache, Morten; Scotto, Pierre; Zambrini, Roberta; San Miguel, Maxi ; Saffman, Mark
Physical Review A 66, 013809 (2002)

Anticipating the dynamics of chaotic maps

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Masoller, Cristina; Mirasso, Claudio R.
Physics Letters A 295, 39-43 (2002)

Polarisation Patterns and Vectorial Defects in Type II Optical Parametric Oscillators

Santagiustina, M; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; San Miguel, M.; Scroggie, A.J.; Oppo, G.-L.
Physical Review E 65, 036610 (1-14) (2002)

Analytic stochastic treatment of a nonlinear quantum model with negative diffusion

Zambrini,Roberta; Barnett, Stephen M.
Physical Review A 65, 053810 (2002)

Enhanced kinetics and free-volume universality in desnse aggregating systems

Fry, D., T. Sintes, A. Chakrabarti and C. M. Sorensen
Physical Review Letters 89, 148301 (2002)

Twin beams, non linearity and walk-off in Optical Parametric Oscillators

Zambrini, Roberta; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review A 66, 023807 (2002)

Bailout Embeddings, Targeting of KAM Orbits,and the Control of Hamiltonian Chaos

Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; Magnasco, Marcelo; Piro, Oreste
Physical Review E, Rapid Communications 65, 045203(R)-045207(R) (2002)

Macroscopic quantum fluctuations in noise-sustained optical patterns

Zambrini, Roberta; Barnett, Stephen M.; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review A 65, 023813 (2002)

Growth laws and stable droplets close to the modulational instability of a domain wall

Gomila, Damià (Director P. Colet)
Memòria d'investigació (2001)

Stable droplets and growth laws close to the modulational instability of a domain wall

Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Oppo, Gian-Luca; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review Letters 87, 194101 (1-4) (2001)

Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Systems

Palenzuela, Carlos; Toral, Raúl; Mirasso, Claudio; Calvo, Oscar; Gunton, James
Europhysics Letters 56, 347-353 (2001)

Effect of a Variable Delay in Delayed Dynamical Systems

Madruga, S.; Boccaletti, S.; Matías, M.A.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2875-2880 (2001)

Phase-Locked Spatial Domains and Bloch Domain Walls in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators

Izus, G.; San Miguel, M.; Santagiustina, M.
Physical Review E 64, 056231-1/15 (2001)

Transition to High-Dimensional Chaos through Quasiperiodic Motion

Pazo, Diego; Sanchez, Esteban; Matias, Manuel A.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2683-2688 (2001)

Quasiperiodic Patterns in Boundary-Modulated Excitable Waves

Sendiña-Nadal, Irene; Pérez-Muñuzuri, Vicente; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García, Emilio; Oreste, Piro
Physical Review E 64, 046208 (1-5) (2001)

Analytical and Numerical Studies of Noise-induced Synchronization of Chaotic Systems

Toral, Raúl; Mirasso, Claudio; Hernández-García, Emilio; Piro, Oreste
Chaos 11, 665-673 (2001)

Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation in the Presence of Walls and Corners

Eguiluz, Victor M.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Piro, Oreste
Physical Review E 64, 036205 (1-10) (2001)

Pitch perception: A dynamical perspective.

Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; González, Diego L.; Piro, Oreste
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 98, 4855-4859 (2001)

Noise-induced scenario for inverted phase diagrams

M. Ibañes, J. García-Ojalvo, R. Toral and J.M. Sancho
Physical Review Letters 87, 20601 (2001)

Chaos Synchronization and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsasser, J. Mulet and C. Mirasso
Physical Review Letters 86, 795-798 (2001)

Transition from oscillatory to excitable regime in a system forced at three times its natural frequency

Gallego, R; Walgraef, D; San Miguel, M; Toral, R
Physical Review E 64, 056218 (2001)

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